anunnaki tablets of destiny pdf

Disputes started that ended in use of what we consider atomic bombs. Born in the one hundredth and tenth shar, or 396,000 earth years after the arrival of the Anunnaki. The one that came in a spaceship and talked with them about the flood and their life cycle change on Earth. The kings sons male offspring that had just gotten married was basically banished to another land across the sea. A point system for kingship and authority was devised and given. Justin Carson, 21-year-old entrepreneur and son of Billy Carson, recently released a journal-styled book titled "Manifest Destiny Journal" available for sale on the 4biddenknowledge website and Amazon. He summons his wife and child on Nibiru to come to Earth. Given the right to proceed by the king they tried and tried to mix the Earths two legged creatures (hominoids) DNA with theirs and place it in the two legged Earth female creatures womb. When Time Began.pdf. The Igigi in the mines rebel. The earthling and one of the two grandsons return to Earth. . Chapter 3.4 This portion tells of the first 6 days on Earth of the advance team of Anunnaki. Noah is to build a sturdy boat to save his family in the coming flood. Chapter 10.1 This tablet tells of the kings son, that created earthlings, receiving a dream that tells him to inform Noah of the water disaster to come. They had taken the shine of the sanctuary.. After a long presence on the Earth, the Anunnaki left but retained control over us. Then they proceed to Earth and land there. The glowing light went out. But one Anunnaki surveying across the ocean finds gold nuggets laying on the ground. Destiny it is , or Fate it is, That to this planet us has brought, to gold from the waters foil, To put Anunnaki heroes to excavating toil, to a Primitive Worker create to be planning? Volcanoes erupt and the ground shakes. The people sang songs about the bride who was now in charge of the MEs. Gilgamesh is a king and desires long life. Chapter 10.6 The place to land spaceships needs two mountains. The Earth commander which has always been against the creation of mankind, is sorrowful they have destroyed their original mission. The earth commander makes each Anunnaki swear an oath. Anunnaki tablets of destiny pdf Anunnaki tablets of destiny pdf. They seem to think they came to life from what our evolutionists believe as primordial soup. In the Me Tablets were the stellar routes where not only the orbits of the planets were drawn, but also the navigation coordinates of the Igigi ferries and the routes of their starships. One very interesting part is it says it is the worst thing to happen since the deluge (flood). Of course this sounds like a modern day fabrication of a lie. . Zecharia Sitchin's secret allegorical novel that brings to life the key concepts of his bestselling book The 12th Planet Reimagines the Epic of Gilgamesh in the context of Sitchin's discoveries Details ancient Sumerian sex rituals, the Anunnaki lineage of the gods who lived in Sumer, Anunnaki spacecraft technology, the workings of the Oracle of Anu, and Gilgamesh's . There are plagues and starvation on Earth. The father is alarmed and fears the kings other sons kingship lineage will get the advantage. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Search the history of over 804 billion This served as a warning to the Igigi. After much debate the king decreed the primitive slave be created. Here is a Way! A celebration is had. This is needed to be done because of rivalries between his two sons due to both being eligible for the next kingship. The Anunnaki Gods also established the first City States in Sumer, Meso-America,the Indus and Nile Valleys. Many white-skinned peoples still resemble the ancient space travelers who came to Earth thousands of years ago. This essay examines the characterization of Apsu, as well as the episode in which he appears, within the larger framework of Enuma elish. This study considers the historical, cultural, and literary significance of some of the most important Ancient Near East (ANE) texts that illuminate the Hebrew Bible. The kings son very deceitfully passed them off, not as his offspring, as a new more intelligent generation of Adam and Eves. During her dressing the bride tells of her plans for her husband. 87-108 in A. Lenzi and J. Stkl (eds. The king and his wife then sleep for several days and nights. 2012, Organization, Representation, and Symbols of Power in the Ancient Near East. It has now been 80 shars, or 288,000 Earth years, on earth. The Anunnaki are a shape-shifting race and can mould themselves into many shapes and sizes. The ancient Sumerians on the other hand claim that they obtained their knowledge of past events from the teachings and writings of the Anunnaki (Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came). According to certain conspiracy theorists, the Sumerian language appears to be the language taught to the humans by the Annunaki, since it's assumed to be the first language ever written. At the first harvest there is a celebration and the two twin earthling men make their offerings to the kings two sons. Chapter 1.4 This tablet video appears the Anunnakis home planet is having trouble with a breech in their atmosphere. A large asteroid hit the moon. The kings son sends his other offspring along to accompany the male. One of the king's sons had two sons. According to Sitchin, an advanced race of human-like extraterrestrials called the Anunnaki live on Nibiru and are the missing link in Homo sapiens evolution. View on Amazon PREVIEW PDF 0 Comments Leave a Comment The Sumerians represented this being with a stylized body with bird claws on the feet, eagle wings, and a lion-like head. He informs them that returning Anunnaki to Nibiru have become afflicted by becoming used to Earth cycles and not being able to adjust back to Nibirus longer cycles. While the new king is healing the belly of the defeated king swells from the semen of the kings penis. Chapter 3.5 This portion describes the Anunnaki team leader declaring of the seventh day as a day of rest. They fly off to the kings sons living quarters which he built on a mountain. ), Divination, Politics and Ancient Near Eastern Empires (ANEM; Atlanta, Ga.: SBL Press, 2014), Conceptualizing Spirit: Supernatural Meteorology and Personal Distress in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East, NAMES AND POWER THE CONCEPT OF SECRET NAMES IN THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST, Pictorial Mythology and Narrative in the Ancient Near East. In Critical Approaches to Ancient Near Eastern Art, edited by M. Feldman and B. He knows where the weapons of terror are hidden. He is upset and summons the other kings son that was part of the creation to explain. The Adams are working in the fields and mines. Chapter 6.5 Seven more females were created for the seven males. The King on Nibiru tells Mars and Earth to prepare for evacuation. He left for new land across the ocean. The Great Sovereign of Nibiru, Anu, commanded to capture Pazuzu and recover the Me Tablets of Destiny. All the familiar players from Sumerian mythologyEnlil, Enki, Anu, Marduk and the restwere actually alien administrators. Chapter 14.1 This last tablet has the kings two sons. The earth commander reassigns lands. He was born in the ninety third shar (334,800) and he died in the one hundred and eight shar (388,800) making him 54,000 Earth years old when he died. It reminds me of the all seeing eye on top of the pyramid. The Exploits of Ninurta [20] discusses Ninurta's inventory at length and is very helpful when it comes to learning the names of the Stones and . A team will be sent to Earth to see if there is gold. A group of more Anunnaki, including some women that have healing skills, leave Nibiru for Earth. It seems that there is a sea of rarer and more valuable elements in the Something amazing was discovered in one of the regions of South Africa. Chapter 2.2 Describes the defeated kings arrival on Earth. Chapter 12.1 The king decides to come to Earth. Gender Matters in Enma eli. In In the Wake of Tikva Frymer-Kensky, edited by Richard H. Beal, Steven W. Holloway, and JoAnn Scurlock, 85101. Now he and the sister he loves call their son from Nibiru to Earth. In his first novel, The 12th Planet and its sequels Sitchin claims there is a 12 th planet beyond Neptune known as Nibiru that reaches our inner solar system once every 3,600 years. Therefore, other "gods" and civilizations in other regions are not mentioned, Chapter 11.4 This portion explains some of the confusion of the last portion. There seems to be a history in Egypt of this type of destroying the remnants of old kings. The tablets describe a group of divine extraterrestrial beings known as the Anunnaki. A primitive worker. Be the first one to, The Tablets of Destiny Revelation: How Long-Lost Anunnaki Wisdom Can Change the Fate of Humanity, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). They divide the lands among them. The Earth commander feels the Earth mission has become perverted and loathes the earthling mankind. Counter-texts, Commentaries, and Adaptations: Politically Motivated Responses to the Babylonian Epic of Creation in Mesopotamia, the Biblical World, and Elsewhere, in: Orient: Reports of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan 45 (special issue: Conflict, Peace and Religion in the Ancient Near East, ed. Winona Lake, Ind. They all explain the missing DNA, which makes the son in charge of Eden more upset. They had many children. The Eleventh Tablet Of Lord Enki Chapter 11:1 - For the next shar (3,600 Earth years), peace was kept, but it is too good to last. But he is married and has a son by his wife. Anu was the first to speak. Copyright 2010 - 2023 Soul:Ask | Unlock your Mind and Soul. 2023 All Rights Reserved. Chapter 9.2 Two hundred of the Igigi from mars came to the wedding. It was finally taken away from her. Hays offers a brief introduction to comparative studies, then lays out examples from various literary genres that shed light on particular biblical texts. Spacecraft are assigned. As for the Earth commander, he is going westward to where the gold field is to complete the original mission. Chapter 11.6 The spaceship beacon is relocated. Nothing is given to her. According to Sitchin, the clay tablets describe an alien race known as the Anunnaki, who came to Earth to mine gold. Enma Elish and Priestly Mimesis: Elite Emulation in Nascent Judaism, Mesopotamian Precursors to the Stoic Concept of Logos, Chaoskampf Against Empire: YHWHs Battle Against Gog (Ezek 3839) As Resistance Literature, pp. The Earth commander forbad any teaching or help to the Earthlings. In Mesopotamian mythology, the Tablet of Destinies [1] ( Sumerian: dub namtarra; [2] Akkadian: up mtu, uppi mti) was envisaged as a clay tablet inscribed with cuneiform writing, also impressed with cylinder seals, which, as a permanent legal document, conferred upon the god Enlil his supreme authority as ruler . Chapter 4.5 This portion describes the building of specific earth moving equipment, spaceships and rockets on Nibiru for use on Earth. He calls for grains and ewes to be brought to Earth so they may herd the sheep and harvest grain. Under his reign humans were created to bear . The bride seeks revenge by starting a war. Whoever owned the Me tablets would rule the heavens, the shipping routes to Nibiru and would governIgigi. Although some physical characteristics could be reptilian. (Tablets of Destiny), Pazuzu happened to become a mythological demon propagator of pests to the height of great creatures of the night like Lilith, a demoniac goddess who usurped new born babies to their mothers to devour them. But the Earth commander is playing politics and has gotten the upper hand. Chapter 5.4 The commander of mars is show the workings on Earth. The kings son that created mankind goes behind his brother back once again and decides to collect the DNA of the animals. Jesus was the most successful of the planted messiahs. Later they let one of them, . Utsuro-bune: The Legend Of The Hollow Ship. The Earth is again referenced as Eden. the enclave of the Anunnaki, but this is not supposed to be known in their world. Once a sacred mission, is now one evil deed after another. 2005 405 Pages 1.45 MB. Chapter 11.5 This portion deals with rescuing the father from the chamber tomb and damage done inside the pyramid to the stones, beams and beacon. Chapter 12.6 This portion of the tablet starts out with the father giving Ra some MEs. The sixth day the navigator arrived with a box of animal DNA. Seven stepped forward. How he would know the offspring would be male I do not know. More and more Anunnaki arrive from Nibiru. The king reads it and understands the earthling male is the offspring of his son. Chapter 10.2 Noah tricked the people into helping him build a sturdy boat. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2015, The God Ninurta - CHAPTER TWO: Ninurta in the Royal Rituals and Ideology, PUBLICATIONS OF THE FOUNDATION FOR FINNISH ASSYRIOLOGICAL RESEARCH NO. Enlil, advised by his brotherEnki, took Pazuzu as a servant in Dirga, the most sacred of the sanctuary of Nippur, to appease the Igigi. The fourth city that was built was Sippar, the bird city. The bride still wants what land she would have had if the marriage had been completed. The bride wants revenge and demands the death of the grooms father even though he did not kill his son. At night the Earth commanders forces destroyed it and scattered the people. He runs from the city and ends up by a waterfall. Itar and the Motif of the Cosmological Warrior: Assurbanipals Adaptation of Enma eli. 11 While they grew and increased in stature 12 Anar and Kiar, who excelled them, were Chapter 7.3 Since the Mars relay was to be abandoned, a new spaceship port was to be created on Earth for direct transport of the gold to Nibiru. As soon as he could, Pazuzu stole the Me Tablets of Destiny in order to replace Enlil from his reign: I WILL TAKE THE HEAVENLY TABLET OF DESTINIES. Chapter 12.2 This is a most interesting portion. Public Speaking in Ancient Mesopotamia: Speeches before Earthly and Divine Battles, Haubold, Conflict, Consensus and Closure in Hesiod's Theogony and Enuma elish.pdf, KINGSHIP, STRUGGLE, AND CREATION: THE STORY OF CHAOSKAMPF. Adam and Eve are moved to Eden (the main Annunaki city) and the seven males and females are placed in cages amongst the trees. He raised a tempest, making (a storm).". If there is gold, the defeated king will have another wrestling match with the new king for the throne. 2006 205 Pages 10.32 MB. A. Tsukimoto), Tokyo 2010, 3-33. This city was commanded by a son of Enlil, Nanna, whch translates to male moon god. Chapter 8.1 The spacecraft to pick up the male arrives. Anunnaki tablets of destiny pdf download pc free Other tablets mention that the humans were fashioned to serve the gods without freedom of their own. E. Robson & K. Radner 2011) Oxford: 725-51, The God Ninurta in the Mythology and Royal Ideology of Ancient Mesopotamia, On the Origin of Watchers: A Comparative Study of the Antediluvian Wisdom in Mesopotamian and Jewish Traditions, Mofidi-Nasrabadi, 2012 - Arbeitszimmer eines Schreibers aus der mittelelamischen Zeit. Myth and Mythologies: Methodological Approaches to Intercultural Influences, Critical Approaches to Ancient Near Eastern Art, Journal for The Study of The Pseudepigrapha. When Anu gave Enlil command of the mission on Earth, Enlil sent Earth . "Here is the first ever public demonstration of secret knowledge and wisdom drawn from legendary cuneiform relic of Mesopotamia, far surpassing any previous academic interpretation of ancient artifacts available. The Overturned Boat, Part Three: Adapa and Exorcism, La monstruosidad de Timat. The kings daughter that is making love to the kings son is promised to the kings other son by the king. Nibiru is supposed to circle the sun every 3,600 earth years. The sixth city would be Nippur the terrestrial place ofNibiru. Enlil was aware of the Igigis discomfort for his long stays in space, and he suspected a revolt on his part. The kings son male offspring marries an Earth woman. Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal are well known to scholars of ancient Near Eastern prophecy, thanks to their affinity for prophecy and the prophetic goddess Itar in particular, which resulted in the preservation of oracular material in a manner not attested for other Sargonid kings. The advisor then shows them to the lifeless body of the bride which is hanging from a stake. The atmosphere on Nibiru has also been damaged. There are now five Anunnaki cities on Earth. The Earths Anunnaki leaders come up with a plan to refine the gold on Earth and only take refined gold to Nibiru. Anunnaki means, "those who came from heaven". In this way all shipments of gold could be controlled and Pazuzu would rise as the new King on Earth. About how they would die if they returned to Nibiru. The kings other son, after parting with his sister, raped a young healer and later married her. Chapter 13.5 The weapons of terror unleashed. The history of the creation of the Sumerians began more than 4.5 billion years ago, when the original Earth (Tiamat) collided . The earth commander also reassigns lands. The Anunnaki are gathered together and told of the event to happen and their choices. Cain is exiled. Death of Statues and Rebirth of Gods, in: N.N. One of the kings sons had two sons. Nevertheless, the manner in which it is integrated into the events of the composition, first bestowed upon Qingu by Timat, then seized and worn by Marduk while he orders the cosmos, and ultimately presented by Marduk to his grandfather Anu, offers some insight into one of the central problems of the text: where does power legitimately reside and how and why is it properly transferred from one divine entity to another? Marduk, a very young god, answered the call, and was promised the position of head god.When he killed his enemy he "wrested from him the Tablets of Destiny, wrongfully his" and assumed his new position. The asteroid belt is in turmoil. Only upon swearing to stay away from her vagina does she give him relief from her curse. The silence prevailed. The Earth shorter cycles and atmosphere affects the Anunnaki. "The Tablet of Destinies, the bond of supreme power, dominion over the gods of heaven and underworld, and kingship of the Igigi and Anunnaki, the secret of the heavens and the netherworld, (5) the link of the Canopy of Anu and Gansir, the leash of the [multitudes(? The Anunnaki now have three generations on Earth. The kings son wants the earthling to return to earth and it be his lot to live and die on Earth. He secretly desires to be the king so he steals the tablets of destinies (unknown their true scope and power) from Eden. Divine or Human Creation of Time? These tablets were the key to activate destructive weapons, control spacecraft, or direct anyAnunnakitechnological device, in addition to being depository of knowledge in laws, decrees to govern, technology, medicine, military techniques, defense methods, methods to submit to the population, and many more keys reserved for the Anunnaki elite. He in turn summons his accomplices in the creation. What he sowed he can now reap (the radioactive land). Chapter 4.4 This portion of the tablet has the new king deciding to place the defeated king, which is expected to die from swallowing the new kings penis, on mars in exile while he dies. Chapter 8.2 On Nibiru the earthling is offered the long life bread and elixir. Then after, the wind blew an evil dark cloud that killed all in its path. The Old Testament is based on Sumerian texts and cuneiform tablets dating between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago. Enlil summoned the Anunnaki for this purpose but everyone feared failure because Pazuzu had also stolen Enlils Glitter, which must have been a type of weapon that made Pazuzu twice as lethal and impenetrable, and as powerful as Enlil himself. He was the first born son of Anu, the king of the planet Nibiru. His Last Chance : Sons of Lost Souls MC Book Seven. Chapter 3.3 -The following tablet video has the Anunnaki traveling to Earth. An Anunnaki team member leaves Earth to take the first basketfuls of gold to Nibiru. Mars has lost its atmosphere and the water is dried up. There is now established a third region and the bride is given lord over it. Thus he is friendly to the humans. The bride and Ra. This way the kingship lineage stays in tact on their side of the family. Chapter 6.2 The more I have researched this, the more I have believed the Anunnaki, especially the kings son in charge of mining, had created the mythical creatures of old. Although we know it can not happen, they think it can. They stop on Mars to see if the defeated king has died and to start a relay station there. (ed. This tablet implies the deluge is a natural event. Chapter 13.4 The war progress and the son of the kings son who created earthlings is winning. Ninurta became the most worthy and main warrior of Enlil and he was awarded by Anu and Enlil with new celestial craft and weapons. She conceived and gave birth to a boy child. Sennacherib and the Tablet of Destinies Authors: Andrew George SOAS, University of London Content uploaded by Andrew George Author content Content may be subject to copyright. From Hesiods Abyss to Ovids rudis indigestaque moles: Reading Chaos into the Babylonian Epic of Creation. In Creation and Chaos: A Reconsideration of Gunkels Chaoskampf Hypothesis, edited by J. Scurlock and R. Beal, 21-45. But it is too good to last. This paper explores how Assurbanipal in particular also relies on Itar to legitimate his military activities, also as a result of the difficult political circumstances in which he was obliged to operate. This continues for about five shars. The new king returns to Nibiru and tells of all that happened and of the plans to harvest the gold on Earth. Interestingly the once exiled son of the kings son that created the earthlings in now called Ra (Ra was referred to in Egypt as the sun god). Many of the Anunnaki devices, technologies and knowledge were rendered useless. Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2009, Name Word Play and Marduks Fifty Names in Enuma Eli, Hidden Riches: A Sourcebook for the Comparative Study of the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near East, Myth, Ritual, and Interpretation: The Commentary on Enma eli I-VII and a Commentary on Elamite Month Names, Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 4/3 (2015), 293-343. She tempted men to her bed and killed them. Chapter 13.6 This tablet is a continuance of the previous tablet. His brother, by being older should be the next king, but by this event the kingship lineage almost ensures the kingship will never be his brothers lineage. Significantly, some scholars have come to realize that the Anunnaki should more appropriately be considered demi-gods or semi-divine beings. The Original Mardukite Systemology Professional PublicationTake your first steps on The Pathway to Self-Honesty with the book that started it all!In this newly revised "Revelations" Academy Edition of The Tablets of Destiny -- rediscover the original system of perfecting the Human Condition on a Pathway that leads to Infinity. The three ways of heaven. This week, the Vatican entered into a partnership agreement with a certain Council for Inclusive Capitalism. The wrestling match ends with the new king again beating the already once defeated king. The Anunnaki that married Earth women must chose between their wives and departure. The 14 tablets of enki the anunnaki pdf In Sumerian mythology, the "Tablets of Destiny" or "Tablets ME", were a computer library consisting of a set of chips that contained all the information on war tactics, star maps, navigation routes and also, were the key to Activate or neutralize all the Anunnaki spacecraft. The king becomes offended and asks him why not? Each decides to stay or leave. One of the kings sons son wants to marry an earthling woman. He has entombed himself and will die there if nothing is done. Chapter 12.5 The once exiled son of the kings son was given domain over a land his brother lorded. Chapter 12.4 The bride was caught but did not have the MEs with her. Anunnaki tablets of destiny pdf. He tries but does not attain it and dies. His father makes a deal where he will be exiled and give up kingship lineage. Chapter 1.2 This tablet talks about long ago on the Anunnakis home planet Nibiru. In the Sumerian texts there is a story called the Myth of Zu. The evil wind spoke of seems to be a radioactive cloud that kills everyone in its path, gods and mankind. 341-54. It was a bright chamber called Dirga the sacred one among the sacred ones located at the top of a tower with several antennas called Dur-an-ki the sky-earth link, as can be seen in Sumerian representations., The Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs & Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God (Earth Chronicles #6.25)by Zecharia Sitchin. Since the Anunnaki are obviously multidimensional beings, they can hide in other dimensions, remaining invisible to us. It appears Nibiru passed by close somehow causing a lot of trouble in the skies. Him anunnaki tablets of destiny pdf a sturdy boat to save his family in the skies mission, is established... ( Tiamat ) collided Soul: Ask | Unlock your Mind and Soul having. The death of Statues and Rebirth of Gods, in: N.N texts and cuneiform dating. Hundred of the MEs with her her curse 10.2 noah tricked the people years ago, when the original.... 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