fall of constantinople dbq

They are not such very ancient events nor of such a sort as to be forgotten through the lapse of time. The next major turning point was the Fall of Constantinople (or the Fall of the Byzantine Empire) in 1453, when the Ottoman Empire (Islamic) invaded. After conquering the city, Mehmed II made Constantinople the new Ottoman capital, replacing Adrianople. [20]:373 Although he was eager for an advantage, Pope Nicholas V did not have the influence the Byzantines thought he had over the Western kings and princes, some of whom were wary of increasing papal control. Cardinal Isidore, funded by the Pope, arrived in 1452 with 200 archers. A codification of Roman law that saved Roman laws, established by Justinian in the Byzantine Empire. The bulk of the Ottoman army was encamped south of the Golden Horn. A small fleet of naval and armed merchant vessels were also stationed in the Golden Horn to defend the chain. Other sources claim far more brutal and successful pillaging by the Ottoman invaders. In the 15th century, Constantinoples walls were widely recognized as the most formidable in all of Europe. Despite his pleas, no Western monarch stepped forward to lead the effort. Military support came from Venice and Genoa. constantine ran out of money and became the capital due to the fall of rome. The Proposition Made by King Philip 3. 3According to Steven Kreis, what was one change that resulted from the fall of the western half of the Roman Empire? However, as the growing Ottoman power from this date on coincided with the Protestant Reformation and subsequent Counter-Reformation, the recapture of Constantinople became an ever-distant dream. It can serve as a formative or final assessment in a unit on medieval Islamic civilization, an introduction to DBQs and DBQ writing, or a class activity to help teach the fall of Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire, or the Ottoman Empire. The dwindling Byzantine Empire came to an end when the Ottomans breached Constantinople's ancient land wall after besieging the city for 55 days. [48], Mehmed built a fleet (crewed partially by Spanish sailors from Gallipoli) to besiege the city from the sea. On the third day after the fall of our city, the Sultan celebrated his victory with a great, joyful triumph. When combined with a large metal chain that had been drawn across the Golden Horn, Constantine was confident that the citys defenses could repel a naval assault and withstand Mehmeds land forces until relief came from Christian Europe. View Constantinople DBQ.docx from HIST 1110/07 at Kennesaw State University. He also began the construction of the Boazkesen (later called the Rumelihisar), a fortress at the narrowest point of the Bosporus, in order to restrict passage between the Black and Mediterranean seas. When most of Constantinople was secure, Mehmed himself rode through the streets of the city to the great cathedral of Hagia Sophia, the largest in all of Christendom, and converted it into the mosque Ayasofya. Its capital was Constantinople, named after the Emperor Constantine. San Stefano peace treaty between Russia and the Ottoman Empire. [1] Score As western Europe fell to the Germanic invasions, imperial power shifted to the Byzantine Empire, that is, the eastern part of the Roman Empire, with its capital at Constantinople. Having encircled Constantinople in full, Mehmed continued his artillery barrage of the land walls through May 29. However, Istanbul only became the official name of the city in 1930 by the revised Turkish Postal Law. The force consisted of around 4,500 knights and their squires, up to 14,000 infantry, and 20,000-30,000 Venetians. The Bashi-bazouks were spread out behind the front lines. . Most of the cannons at the siege were built by Turkish engineers, including a large bombard by Saruca, while one cannon was built by Orban, who also contributed a large bombard.[51][52]. Constantine's men eventually could not prevent the Ottomans from entering the city and the defenders were overwhelmed at several points along the wall. Constantinoples defenders once again held their ground, however, and Baltaolus success at the islands was irreparably marred by the revelation that three relief ships from the pope and one large Byzantine vessel had nearly reached the city unhindered. Communication was maintained by a road that had been destroyed over the marshy head of the Horn. This will cover from the rise of Islam, to its sieges of t. [93] Many feared other European Christian kingdoms would suffer the same fate as Constantinople. [17][18] The city's fall also stood as a turning point in military history. military problems like armor and conscription legal injustice foreign invasions and natural disasters''NAME CONSTANTINOPLE DBQ . A historical consensus has not been formed on the fall of the Roman Empire. [20]:374 His 27 feet (8.2m) long cannon was named "Basilica" and was able to hurl a 600lb (270kg) stone ball over a mile (1.6km). Between 60,000 and 80,000 soldiers fought on land, accompanied by 69 cannon. This was once thought to be the origin of the Ottoman millet system; however, it is now considered a myth and no such system existed in the fifteenth century. According to Makarios Melissenos: As soon as the Turks were inside the City, they began to seize and enslave every person who came their way; all those who tried to offer resistance were put to the sword. [74], According to Nicolas de Nicolay, slaves were displayed naked at the city's slave market, and young girls could be purchased. These were the three Genoese ships sent by the Pope, joined by a large Imperial transport ship which had been sent on a foraging mission to Sicily previous to the siege and was on its way back to Constantinople. In the following eleven centuries, the city had been besieged many times but was captured only once before: the Sack of Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade in 1204. These charges of cowardice and treason were so widespread that the. Byzantine Empire. Until!about!1450,!Europe!was!mostly!cut!off!and!isolated!fromthe!SilkRoads.Withoutaccessto the!wealth,!trade!goods,!technologies,!and!ideas!that . [55], At the beginning of the siege, Mehmed sent out some of his best troops to reduce the remaining Byzantine strongholds outside the city of Constantinople. Fellow soldiers, this one thing was lacking to make the glory of such a victory complete. On 21 May, Mehmed sent an ambassador to Constantinople and offered to lift the siege if they gave him the city. Robert of Clari's account of the Fourth Crusade. Mehmed then ordered the severed head be skinned, stuffed with bran, and sent as a symbol of victory to the governors of Persia and Arabia, in order to remind them that "it was a Turk who did what for centuries they could not. Name Constantinople Dbq Historical Context: Fillable, Printable & Blank PDF Form for Free. Between 1346 and 1349 the Black Death killed almost half of the inhabitants of Constantinople. When the fog lifted that evening, a strange light was seen playing about the dome of the Hagia Sophia, which some interpreted as the Holy Spirit departing from the city. by coachallam. He was carried to the rear, and his absence sowed confusion and lowered morale among the ranks. Two possible responses emerged amongst the humanists and churchmen of that era: Crusade or dialogue. Mehmed II had sent an advance guard to protect these key buildings.The Catalans that maintained their position on the section of the wall that the emperor had assigned them, had the honor of being the last troops to fall. The Fall of Constantinople Primary Source Analysis. The Ottoman cannon created several breaches, but most were too narrow to send troops through. [20]:373 But Mehmed's mild words were not matched by his actions. Save. "It is for the Faith! the Ghazi said. by DRM_peter Posted on January 20, 2014. He further declared the restoration of houses and property to those who had abandoned our city before the siege. An Ottoman attack on a Venetian ship in the Bosporus prompted the Venetian Senate to send 800 troops and 15 galleys to the Byzantine capital, and many Venetians presently in Constantinople also chose to support the war effort, but the bulk of the Venetian forces were delayed for too long to be of any help. Latent ethnic hatred between Greeks and Italians, stemming from the events of the Massacre of the Latins in 1182 by the Greeks and the Sack of Constantinople in 1204 by the Latins, played a significant role. "[83], Mehmed stabbed to death another 14 year old Christian boy who "preferred death to infamy". Updates? He hoped to breach them or otherwise force a surrender before a Christian relief force could arrive. Orban, a Hungarian (though some suggest he was German), was a somewhat mysterious figure. The Doge's Threat. [30], The city had about 20km of walls (land walls: 5.5km; sea walls along the Golden Horn: 7km; sea walls along the Sea of Marmara: 7.5km), one of the strongest sets of fortified walls in existence. The sultan thus completed his conquest of the Byzantine capital. Our ancestors eagerly desired to achieve this; rejoice now since it is your bravery which has won this kingdom for us. [20]:373[33][34][35][36][37][38], Fearing a possible naval attack along the shores of the Golden Horn, Emperor Constantine XI ordered that a defensive chain be placed at the mouth of the harbour. Corrections? In Egypt good tidings were proclaimed, and Cairo decorated to celebrate this greatest of conquests. The Sharif of Mecca wrote to Mehmed, calling the Sultan the one who has aided Islam and the Muslims, the Sultan of all kings and sultans,. [71] According to historian Philip Mansel, widespread persecution of the city's civilian inhabitants took place, resulting in thousands of murders and rapes. Mehmed cut him down with his Kilij: Be satisfied with the booty and the captives; the buildings of the city belong to me.[79], During the festivities, and as he had promised his viziers and his other officers, Mehmed had the wretched citizens of Constantinople dragged before them and ordered many of them to be hacked to pieces, for the sake of entertainment.[80][81], Byzantine historian Doukas claims that, while drunk during his victory banquet, the Sultan ordered the Grand Duke Loukas Notaras to give his youngest son to him for his pleasure. On the night of 28 April, an attempt was made to destroy the Ottoman ships already in the Golden Horn using fire ships but the Ottomans forced the Christians to retreat with many casualties. Check Pages 1-4 of DBQ: The European Age of Exploration - HargroveKMS - home in the flip PDF version. [105], Four days later, the whole city was blotted out by a thick fog, a condition unknown in that part of the world in May. The union was agreed by the Byzantine Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos in 1274, at the Second Council of Lyon, and indeed, some Palaiologoi emperors had since been received into the Latin Church. If you know of any primary sources in English please post them for me!! The fall of Constantinople was a major turning point in history, as it marked the end of the Byzantine Empire and the beginning of the Ottoman Empire. SQ 5. "Constantinople: city of the world's desire." New York, 1996. Subsequent tunnels were interrupted on 21, 23 and 25 May, and destroyed with Greek fire and vigorous combat. [40][pageneeded] Contemporary estimates of the strength of the Ottoman fleet span from 110 ships to 430 (Tedaldi:[44] 110; Barbaro:[43] 145; Ubertino Pusculo:[49] 160, Isidore of Kiev[46] and Leonardo di Chio:[50] 200250; (Sphrantzes):[45][pageneeded] 430). The Venetian captain ordered his men to break open the gate of the Golden Horn. There are many speculations on what caused the most powerful and greatest Empire of its time to fall. He also claimed the religion valued idle and unproductive people and also led to internal divisions. Shortly after the Venetians left, a few Genoese ships and even the Emperor's ships followed them out of the Golden Horn. The younger son, renamed Mesih Pasha, became Admiral of the Ottoman fleet and Sancak Beg (Governor) of the Province of Gallipoli. The Fall of the Roman Empire The Roman Empire began in 27 BC. Zagan Pasha argued against Halil Pasha and insisted on an immediate attack. The unique . Many European courts assumed that the young Ottoman ruler would not seriously challenge Christian hegemony in the Balkans and the Aegean. Having previously established a large foundry about 150 miles (240km) away, Mehmed now had to undertake the painstaking process of transporting his massive artillery pieces. The main legitimate Crusades were launched from Western Europe to recover and protect Jerusalem . Another legend holds that two priests saying divine liturgy over the crowd disappeared into the cathedral's walls as the first Turkish soldiers entered. He is famously reported to have been moved to tears by this, saying, "What a city we have given over to plunder and destruction. Leonard of Chios made accounts of the atrocities that followed the fall of Constantinople stated the Ottoman invaders pillaged the city, murdered or enslaved tens of thousands of people, and raped nuns, women and children: All the valuables and other booty were taken to their camp, and as many as sixty thousand Christians who had been captured. My friends and men of my empire! This item is an extract from the detailed account of an Arab envoy to Constantinople in the late 10th century. In Mehmed's view, he was the successor to the Roman Emperor, declaring himself Kayser-i Rum, literally "Caesar of Rome", that is, of the Roman Empire, though he was remembered as "the Conqueror". Letter on the Death of the Emperor Frederick I (113.6KB PDF Document) Recent studies and Ottoman archival data state that there were some 50,00080,000 Ottoman soldiers, including between 5,000 and 10,000 Janissaries,[3][pageneeded] 70 cannons,[41]:139140[40][pageneeded][42][pageneeded] and an elite infantry corps, and thousands of Christian troops, notably 1,500 Serbian cavalry that ura Brankovi was forced to supply as part of his obligation to the Ottoman sultan[1][2] just a few months before, Brankovi had supplied the money for the reconstruction of the walls of Constantinople. Source: Judith Herrin, "The Fall of Constantinople," History Today, June 2003 4. 125 times. [20]:376, Despite some probing attacks, the Ottoman fleet under Baltoghlu could not enter the Golden Horn due to the chain across the entrance. [111], The name of Istanbul is thought to be derived from the Greek phrase s tmbol(n) (Greek: , translit. Letter of the Knights of St. John on the Fall of Constantinople (72.9KB PDF Document) 2 September 2008. Fall of Constantinople, (May 29, 1453), conquest of Constantinople by Sultan Mehmed II of the Ottoman Empire. The 61% average accuracy. It is said that Constantine, throwing aside his purple imperial regalia, led the final charge against the incoming Ottomans, perishing in the ensuing battle in the streets alongside his soldiers. In the early hours of May 29, Ottoman labourers filled the moat surrounding the city. It is first attested shortly after the conquest, and its invention was ascribed by some contemporary writers to Mehmed II himself. [40]:40 It has also been claimed that Constantinople was "the best-defended city in Europe" at that time. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The most straightforward theory for Western Rome's collapse pins the fall on a string of military losses sustained against outside forces. 0. Now devoid of both a long-standing buffer against the Ottomans and access to the Black Sea, Christian kingdoms relied on Hungary to halt any further westward expansion. [75] The elder refugees in the Hagia Sophia were slaughtered and the women raped. Compares the ottomans and the byzantines. Russian claims to Byzantine heritage clashed with those of the Ottoman Empire's own claim. The fall of Constantinople in 1453 was one of the most influential events in history and marked the end of the Byzantine Empire. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Ascending to the Ottoman throne in 1451, Mehmed II began making preparations to reduce the Byzantine capital of Constantinople. Before his death, Notaras supposedly said that Him who was crucified for us, died and arose and urged his horrified sons to reject the advances of Mehmed and not fear the outcome. The society that developed in the eastern Roman Empire after the west fell. The section of the land walls from the Pegae Gate to the Golden Gate (itself guarded by a Genoese called Manuel) was defended by the Venetian Filippo Contarini, while Demetrius Cantacuzenus had taken position on the southernmost part of the Theodosian wall. [26] This calculation was boosted by Mehmed's friendly overtures to the European envoys at his new court. Janissaries, led by Ulubatl Hasan, pressed forward. It is possible that all these phenomena were local effects of the cataclysmic 1452/1453 mystery eruption which occurred around the time of the siege. Fall of Constantinople, (May 29, 1453), conquest of Constantinople by Sultan Mehmed II of the Ottoman Empire. [96]:446 Thomas escaped to Rome when the Ottomans invaded Morea while Demetrius expected to rule a puppet state, but instead was imprisoned and remained there for the rest of his life. [43], After these inconclusive attacks, the Ottomans sought to break through the walls by constructing tunnels to mine them from mid-May to 25 May. In retaliation, the defenders brought their Ottoman prisoners, 260 in all, to the walls, where they were executed, one by one, before the eyes of the Ottomans. According to the legend, the priests will appear again on the day that Constantinople returns to Christian hands. [20]:304 The crusaders established an unstable Latin state in and around Constantinople while the remainder of the Byzantine Empire splintered into a number of successor states, notably Nicaea, Epirus and Trebizond. The loss of the city was a crippling blow to Christendom, and it exposed the Christian West to a vigorous and aggressive foe in the East. [31]:7778 However, this was the only cannon that Orban built for the Ottoman forces at Constantinople,[51][52] and it had several drawbacks: it took three hours to reload; cannonballs were in very short supply; and the cannon is said to have collapsed under its own recoil after six weeks. Some contemporaneous Western sources gave exaggerated figures ranging from 160,000 to 300,000. A fictionalized account of the Fall of Constantinople features in the opening chapter of Death's End by Liu Cixin. Having done so, the Venetians left in ships filled with soldiers and refugees. Ascertain to what factors contemporaneous observers attributed the rise and fall of the Muslim empires; determine which factors would have made the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals most successful and which ones would eventually weaken . [32]:380 This strategy was used because in 1204, the armies of the Fourth Crusade successfully circumvented Constantinople's land defences by breaching the Golden Horn Wall, which faces the Horn. These fortifications were overcome with the use of gunpowder, specifically in the form of large cannons and bombards, heralding a change in siege warfare.[19]. Some Western individuals, however, came to help defend the city on their own account. Byzantine relations with the rest of Europe had soured over the last several centuries as well: the Schism of 1054 and the 13th-century Latin occupation of Constantinople entrenched a mutual hatred between the Orthodox Byzantines and Roman Catholic Europe. This city expanded into the Byzantine Empire, a continuation of the Roman Empire in Eastern Europe even after the Western Roman Empire fell. This device was one of two that gave the Byzantines some hope of extending the siege until the possible arrival of foreign help. He would recognize the Emperor as governor of the Peloponnese. Hungary was the primary European threat to the Ottomans on land, and Venice and Genoa controlled much of the Aegean and Black seas. 197-205. If they returned home, they would be treated according to their rank and religion, as if nothing had changed. Mehmed then tasked the Hungarian gunsmith Urban with both arming Rumelihisar and building cannon powerful enough to bring down the walls of Constantinople. [note 3] Karaca Pasha, the beylerbeyi of Rumelia, sent men to prepare the roads from Adrianople to Constantinople so that bridges could cope with the massive cannons. Constantine and his Greek troops guarded the Mesoteichion, the middle section of the land walls, where they were crossed by the river Lycus. [98] After the conquest many Greeks, such as John Argyropoulos and Constantine Lascaris, fled the city and found refuge in the Latin West, bringing with them knowledge and documents from the Greco-Roman tradition to Italy and other regions that further propelled the Renaissance. According to the Encyclopdia Britannica: "Many modern scholars also agree that the exodus of Greeks to Italy as a result of this event marked the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance". In the meantime, Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI Palaeologus entreated major powers in Christendom to aid him in the impending siege. The fortress of Therapia on the Bosphorus and a smaller castle at the village of Studius near the Sea of Marmara were taken within a few days. [57] Venetian surgeon Niccol Barbaro, describing in his diary one such land attack by the Janissaries, wrote, They found the Turks coming right up under the walls and seeking battle, particularly the Janissaries and when one or two of them were killed, at once more Turks came and took away the dead ones without caring how near they came to the city walls. On 23 May, the Byzantines captured and tortured two Turkish officers, who revealed the location of all the Turkish tunnels, which were destroyed.[60]. https://www.britannica.com/event/Fall-of-Constantinople-1453, Ancient Origins - The Fall of Constantinople: Relentless Ottoman Fire Power Finally Pulverizes the Last Vestiges of the Roman Empire, Chemistry LibreTexts - The Fall of Constantinople, World History Encyclopedia - The Fall of Constantinople, 1453. Omissions? He established Constantinople as the capital of the Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire and preserved Roman heritage for more than a thousand years. [76] George Sphrantzes says that people of both genders were raped inside Hagia Sophia. [31]:92 The sea walls were guarded more sparsely, with Jacobo Contarini at Stoudion, a makeshift defence force of Greek monks to his left hand, and Prince Orhan at the Harbour of Eleutherios. [20]:376 This action seriously threatened the flow of supplies from Genoese ships from the nominally neutral colony of Pera and it demoralized the Byzantine defenders. Of May 29, 1453 ), conquest of the Byzantine Empire II of the Byzantine Empire Western half the... To Death another 14 year old Christian boy who `` preferred Death to infamy '' ( some! On an immediate attack controlled much of the siege Aegean and Black seas had abandoned our city, Mehmed began! City in Europe '' at that time surrounding the city from the fall of Constantinople by Sultan II. To fall help defend the city from the detailed account of an envoy. Make the glory of such a sort as to be forgotten through the lapse of time ;:. 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fall of constantinople dbq