grey knights 9th edition tactics

Subject: Codex: Craftworlds Tactics Thread v2. Not exciting, but plausibly useful. They arent the only cool options, and a lot of these feel like theyre worth experimenting with. In exchange for fielding Brotherhood detachments, you unlock some extra options. Its reasonably costly at 2CP, but opening up +1 to hit for everything targeting a specific unit as well as +1 to wound for the vehicles lets you pull off a hell of a gank with ranged firepower, especially when you throw Empyric Amplification into the mix. If you just want a robot guy to sit at the back and plink away, then sure you probably still pick this, but its a real shame that the upgrade angle is closed off. This is super, super cool, and the power level is real expect this to be a common pick. Register. Ok so I did include some other stuff too. He also provides a RR1s to hit aura for all Grey Knight CORE units (rather than being Brotherhood locked like a regular GM), is a 2-cast Psyker, and has the new version of, in place of his old re-roll aura (presumably why the price went down). Every little helps, but its still not reliable; one of the dice needs to be a 6 for it to change anything, after all. Conveniently this was the third power shown off by WarCom, a kind of gimmick smite which you apply to a unit and which causes it to potentially take mortal wounds if it moves or charges. The good news for Grey Knight players is that because these forces do, thematically, work together on the battlefield this keyword locking isnt as restrictive as it is for Death Guard its really. These are direct imports from the Marine book, but once again the Swordbearers synergies and Sanctuary mean you cant totally count them out. Means that any 1s or 2s you roll when Advancing or Charging count as a 3. Good stuff. Each turn, you score points depending on how many different objectives were purified that turn, capping out at 6VP if you purified four or more. Some of the splashier Sanctic effects have also been moved to this one. : The Purifier Smite is now its own power, dealing a flat 3MWs to the closest enemy, or d3+3 if you roll an 11+ (and Purifiers get +1 to cast it). Tide of Convergence is now your bread and butter option once battle is joined it gives your guns some extra reach, and makes every unit in your list even more deadly in a fight. As ever, for both this book and the Thousand Sons well be bringing you a separate Crusade review next week, so check that out if you want to discover whether your Brother Captain is a bad enough dude to hunt a Bloodthirster. plus two Psychic Disciplines Sanctic and Dominus. The bearer gains a Psychic Action that does d3 MWs to every enemy within 6 of them, which in the midst of a brawl can be a pretty spectacular amount of damage. Keeping this is great news, as even though its 3CP for a full squad this is the exact kind of army where thats a deal youre still going to want to take sometimes looking at you, Paladin brick. warlord trait provides the unusual but splashy effect of preventing your opponent from attempting a deny on your powers if you cast them on an unmodified 8+. Its cool just on baseline, but why is it so hilarious? Neat stuff. Being able to have. If youre going hard on Dreadknights as well you can add these in for a very defensively skewed list with a pretty broad damage output, which might confound some opponents. Like the Grandmaster variant, basic Dreadknights rule theyre slightly down in price, have access to the same improved wargear as the Grand Masters, and crucially have been upgraded with both the CORE keyword and a baseline 4+ invulnerable save from Force Shielding. There look to be some extremely real soup detachment options in this book, and while you should ensure your army can maximise Tides if youre running Grey Knights solo, dont feel too discouraged from wider experimentation either. still changes Tides, now with a rider that you cant switch back to a Tide thats already been used. Such is their power and psychic mastery that the Sons of Titan can turn the fickle eddies of the warp itself against the very creatures it nourishes. Hes an extra 20pts over the Brotherhood Champion, but comes with a better profile, mortal wounds from his Daemon sword (which hes apparently just using now? so no more spending CP if you want to Deep Strike them. That does not, to be clear, mean theres nothing cool in it or no good builds. , your standard hit re-roll aura), so you need to have a very specific plan for them if youre going to use one. A Noble Death (20pts) essentially gives the bearer the ability to activate the Unyielding Anvil warlord trait (ObSec aura for CORE and CHARACTER, already ObSec counts twice) in your Command Phase, lasting until the start of the next Command phase. The psilencer is the only tool that gets a bit of a sidegrade, gaining S and AP at the cost of dropping to D1, but with 12 shots its excellent with Empyric Amplification. Losing the old version of Astral Aim is another big sting to the army, as it shuts down quite a number of nonsense combos. Loss of old-school Astral Aim shenanigans makes these a bit weaker than they once were, and your heavy support slots are now heavily contested by Dreadknights, but if you find yourself needing a few more guns, these still fill that role, especially as psycannons are a bit spicier on base rate now. Overall, youre very likely going to want at least the first two of these most of the time, and some lists might want to apply a third to create a combat monster. Another strong psychic power that was previewed on WarCom here, and some neat utility tricks to back it up. onto the battlefield (even some of the ones that were missing it in 8th). Being able to, a redeploy on one of these without needing to cast Gate is very spicy, and the keyword also grants the option to fall back and shoot/charge for a mere 1CP with. your games. The reason I got so hyped about this is that I thought it was going to let you swap at the start of the first battle round, which very much. Whether Grey Knights can justify investing the price of most of a Strike Squad in a guy thats just good at killing things is an open question, but the statline is reasonably aggressive for the cost so he might see some use, which will be a relief for people eyeing up his cool new model. Kicks ass. It does feel like some sort of cast boost is, Theres a lot of change though, especially in the Sanctic powers, which now work quite differently to normal. Powers: Vortex of Doom, Empyric Amplification, Gate of Infinity, Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight, sword, psilencer, teleporter, psycannon, Servant of the Throne 235 , where its a jump from 42% to 58% a considerably bigger boost, and starting to push to a pretty happy place. Grey Knights offer you a highly elite army that trades off the durability of factions like Custodes and Death Guard for a heady mixture of psychic might and mobility. Quite a few 9th books have forced some significant recalibrations of how armies fit together and this one is no exception, so well see how things shake out once armies get put on the table. While Grey Knights did get exceptionally better with their Tides (their version of a Chapter Doctrine), it looks like GK lists may be looking similar to their size at the . Keeping this is great news, as even though its 3CP for a full squad this is the exact kind of army where thats a deal youre still going to want to take sometimes looking at you, Paladin brick. $5. those three things, abilities from the Brotherhoods themselves and a couple of stratagems that require you to match up. If you just want a flat output boost this is probably your guy, as Grand Master re-rolls are likely coming from either Draigo or a GMDK. Finally. At the extremely aggressive price point of 22pts each, you get a Marine with built in deep strike, a storm bolter and a powerful melee weapon (the basic force sword is now S+1 AP-3 D2, so youre laughing) and the ability to either Smite, now in full-fat form, or give their unit melee wound re-rolls with. Switching off the ability to benefit from auras is obviously great, and can be very impactful against Adeptus Mechanicus, Dark Angels or Adepta Sororitas, which you may recognise as some of the games best factions! Third and finally, if youre playing against Daemons you can thoroughly ruin their day with, , an uncomplicated kill Daemons, get points secondary and itll sometimes be worth a look into Death Guard and CSM lists with lots of Daemon Engines too especially if either Magnus or Mortarion is present, since those bag you 5pts all on their own. Hell yeaahhhhh. Heres the problem you just dont. They are a purified order, incorruptible and possessed of iron WarHammer 40K 7th ed - Adeptus Mechanicus - Skitarii. : Light Cover when youre >12 away from the enemy, and Dense Cover instead if you had Light already. They dont get Shock Assault, but the extra attack has been built into their statlines so theyre overall better off. (ObSec aura for CORE and CHARACTER, already ObSec counts twice) in your Command Phase, lasting until the start of the next Command phase. Grey Knights end up with a significant amount of their tools just not, anything too much of the time, and some of that space needed to go on big, splashy effects that are widely applicable. You get one-shot effects to switch off Overwatch, shoot a unit that arrived from Reinforcements, and trigger a Heroic Intervention from non-characters, and the more unique and potentially very spicy ability to Overwatch on a 4+. Each turn, you score points depending on how many different objectives were purified that turn, capping out at 6VP if you purified four or more. is the replacement for the old Brotherhood of Psykers rule, and gives all Grey Knights Psykers +1 to their Deny the Witch attempts (which returns from 8th) and all units a 5+ ignore wounds against mortal wounds, replacing the old +1 to cast. If you really try you can get +2MWs out of this a turn, but its hard enough work that you probably wont bother. Servant of the Throne (20pts) is much more hero-hammer focused and allows the bearer to, once per game, activate a 3+ Invulnerable Save for a phase when they are chosen as the target of the attack and yes reader you can put it on a GMDK. If you love using a Land Raider or Stormraven with your Grey Knights, access to a 4++ makes them considerably more impactful, and the fact that this gets applied in the Psychic phase and, the Command Phase means you can also use it after either bringing the bearer in from Deep Strike, or more likely the vehicle from Strategic Reserves. The fact that they have much more flexible damage dealing capabilities and reach compared to Land Raiders means that if you, keep one alive and kicking, its much more challenging for the opponent to overcome. 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Most of the Infantry units also have the, The majority of units now have a keyword to replace, and a few abilities (notably re-roll auras from Grandmasters, Brother-Captains and the boost from Brotherhood Ancients) now key off it. The Swordbearers had their psychic power previewed on Warhammer Community, allowing you to boost the wound rolls of ranged attacks from your vehicles. Also, both the psilencer and incinerator are free swaps for one model and the basic psycannon is only 5pts and has traded a shot for becoming D2, so there are lots of equipment choices worth exploring. for wound re-rolls on a big unit is going to make a hideous mess of almost anything, so if youve got large units rocking in, and need something absolutely flattened, you can do worse. The good news for Grey Knight players is that because these forces do, thematically, work together on the battlefield this keyword locking isnt as restrictive as it is for Death Guard its really only those three things, abilities from the Brotherhoods themselves and a couple of stratagems that require you to match up. These are great, taking three plus a GMNDK as. Basic Strike Marines are fantastic now, and this book probably lives or dies on whether theyre so good that they carry it. The splashier stuff lives here, starting out with Gate of Infinity (WC7), which is still mostly the same, allowing a unit to be redeployed. You select one of these to be active at the start of the first battle round, and can change to a different one later on with the Warp Shaping power (with a new rider that you cant switch back to one that was active earlier in the battle). He's still ridiculously tanky in combat and in the hand-to-hand encouraging 9th edition, he's a proper beast. Yeah, it was down for a bit and came back up like 2 days ago at this point. : boosts the range of Psi weapons and allows Nemesis weapons to score mortal wounds on an unmodified 6 to wound. Instead, if you find that the opponent has built up a strong point, use your Dreadknights to hold firm in that position then try to swing the rest of the army to somewhere more vulnerable. From their hidden moon of Titan, they are trained harder and more strictly than any other Chapter of Space Marines, for they must face the deadliest foes of Mankind in battle time and again, often against seemingly impossible odds. If they are then it is, of course, outrageous. Theres a lot of change though, especially in the Sanctic powers, which now work quite differently to normal. $160. The rule of thumb is that any of the power armoured units and both flavours of Dreadknights are better, characters are mixed, and everything else looks a bit iffy. With only oneits a tough sell (unless this is where GW reveal that. In this episode, Adam, Josh Rich and Jamie talk more about the slow drip-feed of reveals for 10th Edition that GW have been . The fact that they have much more flexible damage dealing capabilities and reach compared to Land Raiders means that if you can keep one alive and kicking, its much more challenging for the opponent to overcome. Still great. While this Tide is dominant for your army: It grants the warlord access to a new Psychic Action that allows them to apply a 4+ invulnerable save to a friendly vehicle. The goal here is to give you options for how to set up so you can adapt to games. I do also find it amusing that a Stormraven Gunship looks genuinely close to valid in this army. a bit of a miss. Its maybe not the strongest list out there, falling off after two near-mandatory picks, but having super Rites of War available brings up the standards quite a bit all by itself. A big part of Grey Knights late-8th glow-up was the addition of the Masters of the Warp ability, and its back, still as their pure bonus for armies entirely made up of GREY KNIGHTS units (with the normal exclusions for UNALIGNED and AGENT OF THE IMPERIUM). Top stuff, and likely to see play in most lists. ), access to the. Strike Squads, Purgation, and Purifiers all went up to 17 pts base which is huge in what is considered an already overcosted army. All the Stratagems, Traits, Relics and Chapter Approved Rules youd expect. The other thing the Wardmakers get is some Named Characters both Voldus and Stern now sport this keyword. If your army is Battle Forged, each detachment can only include models from one BROTHERHOOD, the new sub-factions. Especially with Voldus looking a bit less exciting than he used to, Draigo should be a mainstay of Grey Knight armies and because hes the SUPREME GRAND MASTER rather than a regular one, you can take him and the regular flavour, which means you can still load him into a detachment alongside a Dreadknight. This army rewards players who want a relatively small force with the ability to launch devastating alpha strikes, and one that rewards careful positioning and judicious force allocation. If youre still going to try to make Paladins work, you. For most non-Character units, the datasheet includes a fixed Sanctic power that they know in addition to Smite. A Grey Knights bestiary with background details for every unit and Character featured; A showcase of stunningly painted Citadel miniatures; Rules for units that are available to the armies of the Grey Knights - including 32 datasheets; Stratagems, Relics, and optional secondary objectives that illustrate the mystifying goals and remarkable . bad till you discover that its not just them its units with the TELEPORTER keyword, which includes Dreadknights that you purchase the relevant upgrade for. Endowment in Extremis: Augurium Scrolls, Nemesis Dreadknight, sword, psycannon, psilencer 175. Pretty much everything else just keys off GREY KNIGHTS or GREY KNIGHTS CORE. I do also find it amusing that a Stormraven Gunship looks genuinely close to valid in this army. Thatsfine, but because many of the games most mobile units rely on Advance or Charge boosts, flat halving of movement is always a bit less powerful than it sounds. solved the problem the old one had where anti-Daemon tools took up too much of the real estate and power budget (I really like moving a lot of this to one of the Tides as a choice) but in its place theres an excessive focus on Denies, too much caution in the combos theyre given access to, and too much nervousness about treading on the Thousand Sons toes. This book replaces the previous Thousand Sons Codex and the Thousand Son content from within Psychic Awakening: Ritual of the Damned. At baseline, the expectation is that two of the DKs go into deep strike and the GM and one regular start on the table. While the power of the Swordbearers abilities means that Im giving these the faintest little bit of a side-eye, ultimately these run you the same price as a Strike Squad for the cheapest build, and you should buy the Strike Squad. The hit rolls working for everyone is real nice, as it mitigates the move/shoot penalty for Purgation squads and per-unit special weapons, but the real big-money payoff here is with Dreadknights. (1/2CP for up to 5 or 6+ models respectively). They do get a cast as well, but are notably less useful than pretty much all the other characters in a straight up fight because the crozius arcanum isnt a nemesis weapon and has a less useful statline than those. At baseline, the expectation is that two of the DKs go into deep strike and the GM and one regular start on the table. In terms of new toys, you pick up a variety of defensive options for your various Infantry characters, plus the Domina Liber Daemonica which prevents Daemon deep strikes nearby (plus hurts their combat attrition), but the clear standout and rapid contender for the crown of funniest relic interaction in the game is the Sigil of Exigence. In practice, that isnt actually a good way to price these Terminators tend to be good in chapters whose Chapter Tactic and stratagems strongly support them, and as a vector for layered buffs from Chaplains. This should be a lock on turns two and three and youve got ways to reach for it in other turns, so might be worth it in some games. Your largest adult son can enjoy one turn of the old-style 3++, which is extremely cool. Theres one last strat to talk about, and I think this mostly mirrors something Robs going to hit over in the Thousand Sons review because both books have this. New rules for upgrading your characters with gifts from the Prognosticars, offering gifts of foresight to swing the battle at key moments. Its. Purifiers are immediately more interesting because theyre working off the Strike Marine baseline. Theyre also Honoured Knights rather than belonging to a Brotherhood, which does place some limitations on what you can do with them and basically requires you to bring Draigo if you want any hope of them having re-rolls to hit. The really juicy stuff here is the stratagem and trait, though. Rather than replacing Sterns Smite, this now just deals a MW to all nearby Daemon units every time he manifests a power. The most mysterious of the Emperor's servants, the Grey Knights are a unique Chapter of Space Marines. Grey Knights have two standout assets Strike Squads and Nemesis Dreadknights. The final standout is the Gem, which was shown on WarCom and gives you one turn of +2 to all your Dominus casts. Your list can only include one Grand Master and one Brother Captain from each BROTHERHOOD, and each detachment can only contain one of each of these. no longer makes bolt weapons count as Psi. You probably need to be ready to Strategic Reserve the plane if the opponent has big guns, then bring it on and immediately. This pushes this back up to being a full Phantasm equivalent, and thus really good. Codex: Space Marines (Enhanced Edition) By Games Workshop Release Date: 2019-08-17 Genre: Crafts & Hobbies Size: 458. . Its worth noting here that this only applies to the regular ones the Venerable Dreadnoughts are Honoured Knights, and therefore cant benefit. There is genuinely better support in this book for running a Land Raider or Stormraven than pretty much anywhere else in Marines at the moment, so there could be some utility in these, and strange though it seems thematically they can also amp up Dreadknights, which is especially relevant for the regular flavour. Thats strong stuff as Tsons your plan is always going to involve some level of mind bullets, and +1 to cast helps you achieve that in all your games. As is, you want one most of the time, will sometimes want to squeeze a second in, and beyond that will have to console yourself by taking the regular ones, which are also much improved. Hes an extra 20pts over the Brotherhood Champion, but comes with a better profile, mortal wounds from his Daemon sword (which hes apparently just using now? You pick a visible enemy within 12, and then all attacks made against it with Nemesis and Psi weapons are at +1D until your next psychic phase. The goal here is to give you options for how to set up so you can adapt to games. Stern joins Voldus in being locked to the. The average price of a home in le-de-France is 1,158,405 USD, and range in price between 490,943 USD and 44,129,750 USD. The warlord trait is probably less competitive, but is very welcome for other modes of play. nastier than your common or garden Lieutenant, being a full Terminator-armoured killer armed with a nemesis weapon of your choice and a master-crafted storm bolter. Relic: Sigil of Exigence Its also worth saying that these are all 20pts cheaper than is printed in the book, since the MFM points for this year pre-buffed them. Thats going to inform how you play the army youre going to want to use these more durable anvil elements (probably accompanied by some units in Rhinos) to make an initial push into the mid board, then go in all guns blazing over turns two and three when your reserves can start arriving and taking the enemy apart. , which halves the move characteristic of a targeted unit. Fundamentally, some of the stuff here is what makes the army tick and you want it. This one is more niche, but thats not the worst thing in a list that has an exceptional choice front and centre, and Chaos lists with a sizeable contingent of things scoped in to this arent, Thats basically the summary; the best here by some distance is, , which has all the elements of a huge win for these faction-specific objectives its a good Secondary in a bad category that rewards you for doing stuff thats likely to feed into other Secondaries youre interested in taking like. So thats Stratagems and while theres a nifty toolbox here that helps the army get things done, as mentioned up front it feels like a downgrade overall. Well have to go ahead and feed that one into Hammer of Math and see which one comes out ahead. Its now +1 to Advance and Charge rolls for the Warlord, and if theyre in Engagement Range of an enemy unit any of your, units that charge that unit also get +1. Grey Knights 9th Edition - The Blood of Kittens Network Grey Knights 9th Edition Follow Follow Follow Follow Follow Codex Adeptus Astartes: Grey Knights 9th edition was released on 09-11-2021 Unit points throughout Time Show entries Showing 1 to 10 of 46 entries Previous Next Grey Knight Special Rules like keeping stuff alive, and can grant a 6+ ignore wound with their power that. Were it not for the one-per-Brotherhood limit you would absolutely go back to slamming three of these in a list. It notably punishes opponents using Scout Deploy units, which are very popular right now, and is an especially good pick in matchups where theyre liable to feed you something. If youre trying to build competitive lists, these and Dreadknights are your bread and butter. Well thats where the stratagem comes in , , which lets you pick an enemy unit near to one of your Psykers and give all Swordbearer units (not even just vehicles) +1 to hit against it with their ranged attacks. All units in Grey Knight detachments gain. But to post the excerpt mentioned in the title, Angron is fucking terrifying. As you might be able to guess from that build up, and some of the comments earlier, Ive found this book a bit disappointing, and think it ends up in the pool with Blood Angels as something of a miss. Your regular Grand Master, providing you with a re-roll 1s to hit aura for a Brotherhood, and a customisable loadout. excited about when I started reading, then flopped with a sad trombone noise halfway through. That leaves it as very much a sometimes treat. Ultimately, Grey Knights want to land their charges very, very badly, so anything that helps can be welcome in the right circumstances, but dont expect this to solve the problem by itself. Where it really boosts things is if you also have +1 to Charges from. Sadly, this one ends up falling a bit flat Smite isnt a Witchfire power, and theres a specific, that stops the splash damage interacting with this (. Not exciting, but plausibly useful. The fixed power on Interceptors, which makes them pleasingly mobile. Edit:Thanks to some feedback, it turns out I missed a subtlety on this theres a specific Rule on when after deployment effects happen, and it turns out to be in the pre game abilities step afterdetermining first turn. Other units also get some specific tricks here Purgation squads get a very welcome strat for +1 to wound at half range, Brother Captains get an extremely useful ability to provide a +1 to cast aura with. The usual boilerplate about Vehicles not being able to take relics is conspicuously absent, and there are no keyword restrictions on this, so now when your opponent points their lascannons at your GMDK it can teleport straight behind a mid-table wall, and woe betide them if they throw some incidental shots at him at the end of the phase. Welcome back to our spin-off show in the Conclave Podmatic Universe: Voices in the Warp! Good news there is some strong stuff here. when your Strike Marines are trying to compete against enemy hordes. Theyre another Honoured Knight unit, and run you one more point each than basic Strikes, with the upsides of being able to take two specials per five, the Purifying Flame power (with +1 to cast) and the ability to use Unbowed and Unbroken for -1D. This is obviously much weaker than the version of these effects that trigger at the start of the first Battle Round (since you have to declare it before you know whos going first), but if you decide you want to be putting more of your units into reserves than youre normally allowed, or want to try and pull some mind games, there might be something here. shenanigans makes these a bit weaker than they once were, and your heavy support slots are now heavily contested by Dreadknights, but if you find yourself needing a few more guns, these still fill that role, especially as psycannons are a bit spicier on base rate now. Also, both the psilencer and incinerator are free swaps for one model and the basic psycannon is only 5pts and has traded a shot for becoming D2, so there are lots of equipment choices worth exploring. Youve also got two Rhinos, which can either have all the Strikes or two Strike Squads and the Purifiers. Since we published the 2020 edition of the Munitorum Field Manual we have released several 9th edition codexes One Dense Cover instead if you also have +1 to Charges from but once again Swordbearers. That they know in addition to Smite all your Dominus casts like theyre worth with! With only oneits a tough sell ( unless this is super, super cool, and the level... Experimenting with, mean theres nothing cool in it or no good builds another strong psychic power on. All the Strikes or two Strike Squads and the purifiers, especially in the Sanctic powers which! Ones that were missing it in 8th ) were missing it in 8th ) ranged attacks from your.! 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