is cat urine najis islamqa

The Imam approved the decision of Ibn Abi Ya'fur and disapproved Mu'alla's decision to eat that meat. [CDATA[ We therefore buy animals in large number for food, and we ask the herdsmen about their religion and they reply that they are Christians. As a basic summary, Hanafi scholars deduce that: 1. Ahmad al-Bizanti answered, Yes, and you do not have to question about it. Blood of the animals whose blood spurts out is also considered najis. Contents * , O you who believe! Cat feces and urine are impure (najis), and they are considered major filth. 3. A person who rejects any of these three principles is a kafir. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. What information do I need to ensure I kill the same process, not one spawned much later with the same PID? attention to that, and carry on with it, and ask Allah to accept it, because As for the liquid things that may become najis (e.g, milk), they cannot be purified with water. [Shurunbulali, Maraqi al-Falah; Tahtawi, Hashiyyat al-Tahtawi; ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar]. When this change takes place, the vinegar becomes tahir. Here it means getting rid of the remaining drops of urine from penis. [ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar]. End quote. Based on such teachings, our mujtahids have ruled that all parts of pigs and dogs, even the nails, hair, teeth and bones, and their saliva, milk, urine and excrement are najis. But the blood of an animal whose blood does not spurt out is tahir, e.g., the blood of fish or the body-fluid of a mosquito. If cat saliva gets on ones garment, it is slightly disliked (makruh tanzihi) to pray with it. The first four types of pure water are known as Kathir water, and the last one is known as qalil water. Mazi: a whitish liquid which is discharged from penis during sexual fore-play. Share. A few examples of a najis thing changing into a tahir thing: A najis wood changes into ashes. And ritual uncleanliness is another word for najis. A query regarding the Hadith narrator Sulayman ibn Musa Al Qurashi, The Pre-Conditions of Combining Prayer (Jama) in Rain, Translating Islamic Works and Then Selling Them, Shaykh Afifi Al-Akiti Ash-Shafiis Talk on Ikhtilaf Al-Ummah. B. My mother has these two cockateel birds and the poop everywhere in the house. The last three ahadith make it quite clear that whatever non-animal products you get from a kafir is to be considered tahir and halal unless you come to know for sure that it is najis and haram. The only important thing is that at the time of praying, one's body and dress must be free from this najasat. A pot licked by a pig must be washed seven times with Kathir or qalil water. Ghaybatu 'l-Muslim (Disappearance of a Muslim), F. The conditions for the validity of Wudu, E. The conditions for the validity of Ghusl, C. The things which are forbidden for a Junub, D. The acts whose validity depend on Ghusl Janabat, C. The things on which Tayammum can be done, E. The conditions for the validity of Tayammum, D. Connecting the ritual to the spiritual. If there is blood on someone's dress or on his person and he doubts whether it is of an animal whose blood spurts out or not, then he should consider it tahir. Sometimes I have to go (to treat them) at night. However, our interpretation does not exclude the spiritual impurity of the mushrikin along side the physical, ritual impurity. It is essential that your cat's urinary flow rate be monitored so that signs of progress can be tracked. Cat vomit is impure (najis), and it is considered major filth. What I have said is valid at all times except in case of animal products obtained from non-Muslims. The restrictions of a Muslim or Muslim market found in the first three ahadith clearly indicates that animal products can be assumed as tahir and halal provided they are from the Muslim market. The Imam said, He should wash his penis and thighs. 24. What should be our general outlook towards the najasat? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. [CDATA[ (impurity), or that drops of the istinja water landed on your feet or body, This goes completely against the Qur'anic order which says, (O Muhammad) say, `I do not ask from you any reward for it (i.e., conveying the message) except the love for my near ones. (42:23). This answer was collected from which was a repository of Islamic answers as per the Shafii madhhab. to do with a kind of waswas (whispers from the shaytan), because 4. In al-Majmu', Imam al-Nawawi explained that urine is of four types: 1. The najis water which a cow drank changes into its urine or mills. You will need to follow the instructions in that message in order to gain full access to the site. Can members of the media be held legally responsible for leaking documents they never agreed to keep secret? 2729, I would like to end this section with an interesting comment by Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abi 'n-Nasr al-Bizanti on the holier-than-thou attitude. impurity is done by washing the private part; it is not essential to wash Is there is an obstruction in the urinary tract, such as abnormal tissue growth in the form of a neoplasm (tumor), this will need to be removed. Every time I enter the toilet I cry because of how strong this waswas is. sheep pens and he said: Pray in them for they are a blessing. And he did The dead body of an animal whose blood spurts out is also najis with the exception of those of its parts which have no life (feeling) in them during life-time, e.g., hair, nails, bones, beak, horn and teeth. It is recommended for men to do istibra' after urinating. If the wine become vinegar, this change will make it tahir; and the pot which contained it, becomes tahir automatically . Answer All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. At its peak, many ulama were involved with the site including Shaykh Mawlana Taha Karaan, Shaykh Abdul-Fattah ibn Abdullah, and Shaykh AbdurRagman Khan. I am also worried about it using the litter box and then walking around the house and jumping on the tables and couches. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"0uOTYXw3JaB2sCQf.byyAzu1L9gHIy19Az5ngEIq2PA-1800-0"}; There are certain ways of performing Istibra, and the best of them is that after the passing of urine, if the anus also becomes najis it is made Pak first. It is only in case of the animal products obtained from the kuffar that we must start with the assumption that everything is najis and haram unless we come to know otherwise. It is on these shari'ah principles that our mujtahids have based their opinions about assuming everything -except the animal products obtained from a kafir to be tahir and halal unless we come to know otherwise. Let me begin by raising the following question: Should we start with the assumption that everything is najis and haram unless we come to know otherwise? For more, see the detailed answer. There is one more category of a kafir. From my personal experience, I have found that most cats use the restroom in the litter box and spend a few moments covering up their excrements with unsoiled cat litter before exiting. So if a najis place or thing has become dry and you wish to purify it by the sun, then you will have to pour water on it and let it dry up by direct rays of the sun. The followers of Hinduism, of most far eastern religions and of the tribal religions fall in the category of mushrikin. It can only purify the sole of the shoes and the sole of the feet provided: 1. the shoe or the foot had become najis by a najasat on the earth; 2. the najis element is removed from the soles by walking on the earth; The sun is the third and last among the natural mutahhirat.. Thus, one always assumes purity in cases of doubt, unless one is certain filth is present. If one changes the litter every two days and fills the litter box with a sufficient amount of litter, this lessens the possibility of spreading impure cat litter around ones house. Cat's hair that intact to a living cat is pure. Islam Q&A, It is not permissible to use animals for target practice, Ruling on praying on clothes that have got cat hairs on them, You can ask your question on the website via this link:, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in Questions cannot be asked through this form. But if he has not done istibra', then he must consider it najis. Maalik said: The scholars do not regard the urine of animals whose Unless male cats are neutered, their testosterone-spiked urine signals other males to stay away and lets females know they're around. are weak as our Lord has told us. Therefore, a Muslim must make sure that the toilet of his house is not built in such a way that when he sits on the toilet, his front or back side is towards the qiblah. Him and to make you happy by worshipping Him, and to take away the problem Thereafter, al-Nawawi said, "All types are impure according to us (i.e Shafi's) and the majority of ' ulama." (Ibid) Log in, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023. Wadi: a liquid which comes out after urinating. We use cookies on IslamQA to measure visitor stats. O you who believe! Is it considered filthy if she has just come out of the litter box and then is touching the tables and couches? Muslim is defined as a person who believes in Oneness of God, prophethood of Prophet Muhammad, and the Day of Judgment. NajisMutawassithah is najis that is contained in everything that comes out of the human and animal's grave and rectum, khamar, sperm, menstrual blood, etc. According to the shari'ah, water can be of two types: mutlaq and muzaf. Hair of edible animals is pure. (1) A minority group says that the Ahlu '1-kitab are pure and tahir, just like Muslims. If no other water is available, one must use the leftover water and cannot resort to dry ablution (tayammum). way. Khayran al-Khadim wrote to Imam 'Ali an-Naqi (as) it just ate a mouse), then the related ruling of filthiness applies. the area around it, so do not pay any attention to the water that drops unanimously agreed that it is permissible to pray in sheep pens, apart from The urine of inedible animals. And He sent down upon you water from heaven to purify you with it, to take away from you the unclean (insinuation) of the Shaytan, to strengthen your hearts and to plant you feet firmly with it. (8:11). The same ruling applies Methyl alcohol (also known as wood alcohol or wood spirit) is tahir; it is mostly used for industrial solvents, and for making synthetic rubber, chemicals, rubbing alcohol, inks, dyes and stains, antifreeze and other similar products. 2830. A dog's body changes into earth. For example, human blood is najis. It is found in the urine of baby boys who are only given breast milk (breast milk) without other food and not yet 2 years old. It can purify only the following things that become najis: 'the earth and all the immovable things on the earth like trees, the fruits on the trees, the grass. These mutahhirat can be divided into three groups:. Islam Q&A, You can ask your question on the website via this link:, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in (3) However, a thing that does not need slaughtering is to be considered tahir unless you have knowledge that it is najis. Household Cats & Soiled Furniture Am I required to pay Zakat on a car that is owned by me, if I use it to deliver food? It is used for the idol-worshippers also. to interrupt an act of worship, rather this is waswas and it does not affect ducks and so on, then their faeces is taahir (pure). When cleaning a najis thing with the Kathir water, it is enough to wash it just once after removing the najasat. The people who are unanimously counted as Ahlu '1-kitab are: the Jews, the Christians and the Zoroastrians. Wazi: a liquid which comes out after the discharge of semen. To purify the unclean mutawassithah ie by eliminating it thoroughly. 5. OTP entered does not match. However, it is always better to wash oneself with water. As far as the anus is concerned, a person can clean himself/herself with water, or with three pieces of papers, or three pieces of rags or three stones. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Mu'awiyah asked Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as) about the dress which is made by the Magi who are unclean, who drink intoxicants and their women are also of the same type: Can I wear such a dress without washing it and pray in it? The Imam said, Yes. Thereafter, Mu'awiyah cut a shirt for the Imam from the cloth obtained from a Maji, designed it, and also prepared a waist-band and a robe from it. on, and ignore the waswas, for it is a trick of the shaytan, but his tricks A number of risk factors may increase the odds of developing oliguria or anuria, including dehydration, low blood pressure, kidney disease, liver disease, trauma, such as from a car accident, sugar diabetes, and multiple organ failure. The first think about najis (unclean, based on Islamic ruling) is that we know it from the smell, color, shape or taste. Answered by: Abdullah Muhammad al-Marbuqi al-Shafii. Every time I enter the toilet I cry because of how strong this waswas is. 2. However, it is better to wash three times. on. He (PBUH) said, "None can chastise with fire except the Rubb of the fire." [Abu Dawud]. Pigs and dogs are also counted as `ayn najis. However, the droppings of all the birds are tahir. It ignores or is ignorant of the fact that Islam itself has described its shari'ah as shari'atu 'n-sahla or it shari`atu 'n-samha, a simple shari'ah, a lenient shari `ah. 3 It is proven in Saheeh Muslim that the Prophet Kathir means abundant or plentiful; qalil means less. Moreover, the answer of Imam 'Ali an-Naqi (a, s.) to Khayran's letter quoted earlier clearly says that intoxicants are not just haram but also najis. Are we allowed to consume Products that contain Vitamin D3? The mutlaq water can be found in five different forms: 3. The Islamic shari'ah has prescribed certain rules on how to cleanse oneself of urine and stool. Can a rotating object accelerate by changing shape? I'd like to ask what things are considered to be najis or among the najasaat in all approved fiqh schools? Cat hair is pure. No matter what thoughts of The person who rejects the unanimously accepted tenets of Islam (for example, the obligation of salat or haj), is also regarded as a kafir and najis. `Abdullah ibn Abi Ya'fur asked Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as) about a dress which had come into contact with semen. If the eaten is taahir, then it does not have to be washed off if it gets onto Now, if a drop of blood falls into a glass of milk, the milk will become najis because of the blood which is an `ayn najis. `Ays bin al-Qasim asked Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as) about a person who urinated in a place where there was no water and so he dried his penis with a stone, but later he started sweating in the same area. Najasat (pl. 25778. In all the cases of ignorance and doubt, one can assume that it came from an animal whose urine or excrement is tahir. Zawa lu `l-'ayni 'n-Najasah (Disappearance of the Najasat), 11. Those who belong to this group from the present mujtahids are: Ayatullah al-`uzma Sayyid Ruhullah al-Musawi al-Khumayni and Ayatullah al-`uzma Sayyid Muhammad Riza alGulpaygani. eaten, such as birds that have talons, like falcons, then their faeces is 1. Is it possible to purify the a `ayan najisah? While washing a najis thing, our hands become najis also; but when that thing become tahir, our hands will also become tahir automatically. Buying or selling the following najasat is haram: all types of intoxicating liquids, dead bodies, pigs and dogs (except the dogs used for hunting). In Mu'awiyah's own words, It seemed the Imam had understood my intentions, and came out with that same dress for the Friday prayer. 23 A somewhat similar question was put in writing to Imam Mahdi (as) about praying in a dress made by a Maji without washing. Oliguria and anuria are medical emergencies that require immediate treatment. Not all of these mutahhirat can purify every najis or every `ayn najis thing. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Scholars say three times is more than sufficient. not tell the one who prayed there to avoid the urine and dung, even though Browse other questions tagged, Like any library, Islam Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. A generally healthy lifestyle may be helpful. Urine or mills I have said is valid at all times except case! Person who rejects any of these mutahhirat can purify every najis or every ` najis... Like falcons, then the related ruling of filthiness applies just come out of the najasat is! 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is cat urine najis islamqa