leah in the bible eyes

However, Jacob has no money to offer Rachels father Laban a bride price, so he arranges to work for him for seven years to marry her. She has three more sons, namely Simeon, Levi and Judah, but does not bear another son until Rachel offers her a night with Jacob in exchange for some mandrake root (, dd'm). All my obediences to received practice are suspect when I balk at the one point where conscience makes a contrary demand. As Leah named her sons, we glimpse her spiritual journey toward contentment in how the Lord provided for her. But all of this is just part of his "seven year" plan. Were made to yearn for belonging and completion. The older daughter (Leah) will marry the older son (Esau), and the younger daughter (Rachel) will marry the younger son (Jacob). It is unclear whether Leah had any say in the matter. Id land without telling everybody where Id flown. The sisters strike a deal. By digging into their stories, we can learn so details we may not have realized at first read. God had a special place in his heart for Leah. This is how far I got on my own. On the wedding night, however, Laban switches Leah for Rachel. Then the angel of God said to me in the dream, Jacob, and I said, Here I am!And he said, Lift up your eyes and see, all the goats that mate with the flock are striped, spotted, and mottled, forI have seen all that Laban is doing to you.I am the God of Bethel,where you anointed a pillar and made a vow to me. Romans 8:28 CSB says, We know all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. God had a specific calling on Leahs life whether Jacob preferred her or not. However, Leah found favour in the eyes of God, He blessed her with children, while Rachel remained barren for a time. Leah Lively is a wife and mother of four living in central Virginia. Rachel died giving birth to her second son, Benjamin and was buried on the side of the road leading to Bethlehem (Genesis 35:16-20). Why does the King James Bible say, pisseth against the wall?. We could imagine Jacobs infatuation with Rachel was love at first sight, as they almost certainly would not have been granted time for deep conversation or solitary walks across the pastureland of Haran. Leah Is Kindhearted In Genesis, Rachel is described by her outward appearance as beautiful. Used by permission. We first learn that she was unloved and unfavored with a tender heart versus an attractive body. Two . Jealousy can be an ugly feeling that we all share. Leahs eyes were weak. What does that mean? Leah Is One of the Four Matriarchs Along with Sarah (wife of Abraham ), Rebecca (wife of Isaac ), and Rachel (her sister and fellow wife of Jacob ), Leah is one of the four mothers of the Jewish people. Kidner (TOTC) and Wenham (WBC), both of whom I greatly respect, also came up with a view I admit I did not expect. Whatever the case was, Leah was unattractive, so Jacob preferred to marry her (beautiful) sister Rachel. When Jacob asks the sisters to come with him back home to Canaan, they are unhappy that their father gave them nothing of what he received as bridewealth during his years of service to their father. flowers, and even as she sang, she said: The King James Version renders it as "tender eyed," while the New Living Translation says "There was no sparkle in Leah's eyes," and the Amplified Bible says "Leah's eyes were weak and dull looking.". **ATTENTION: Dear readers, as of late 2022, special-edition Q&A article #1000 is still in development. The Bible is full of characters from every spectrum of life. Feeling overlooked or not good enough can be a deep hurt and can snowball into feelings of being less than, forgotten, or the fear of not being wanted. I cant imagine what Leah was feeling, but I can imagine that she felt jealousy at that attention that Rachel received over her. He knows that this is the woman he is to marry. I love this verse as it reminds me that God sees the heart, the spirit inside us, as more valuable than any outward beauty. Because Leahs story in the Bible is so intertwined with that of her sister, Rachel, and their husband, Jacob, she often goes unnoticed, living in the shadows. This post is loaded with all kinds of Bible lists . 7 Myths about Modesty Christians Should Stop Believing, 8 Reasons Why It's Hard to Separate from a Narcissist, The Unexpected Food That Sparked a Reformation, Boy Turns All The Judges In Seconds With Dont Stop Believin Audition, 13-Year-Old Turns Into Viral Sensation With 'Moon River' Blind Audition - Audition Videos, 30 Morning Prayers to Start Each Day with God, 6 Guiding Verses about Family Relationships. We see this when she named her fourth child Judah. Whatever is said about you, it's not flattering. 2 Shechem, the son of Hamor the Hivite, the chief of that part of the land, saw her and took her, lay down with her, and humiliated her. Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Leahs eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful. This verse sets up a contrast, and as in all language, so in the Bible: you interpret the unclear in light of the clear. Through her sons Levi and Judah, she is thus the matriarch of both the priestly (Levite) and royal (Judahite) tribes in Israel. Perhaps having poor eyesight was itself considered unattractive in Jacob's day? a garland of the flowers I have gathered. But its our job as readers to whom Christ may say one day, Have you not read ? And its our job as heraldsthose of us who are heraldsto do our best to repeat the message the King wrote down for distribution in his realm. Despite her years of worry, disappointment, and feelings that shes not enough, Leah goes on to be the mother of six sons, including one (Judah) named in Christs lineage. Id stick with the intuitiveto meopposition the text sets up, in which weak eyes are contrasted with Rachels beauty. It can be clear that Jacobs favoring of Rachel was taken by Leah as a clear sign of rejection. He doesn't need us to lose the baby weight, tone up, or look "put together" before he can use us. Leah tried to make Jacob love her through her deeds. The world is always trying to get us hooked on material things, but the best way for a persons wealth and success in life can be found within their spiritual relationship with God. Then theLordsaid to Jacob,Return to the land of your fathers and to your kindred, and I will be with you.So Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah into the field where his flock wasand said to them,I see that your father does not regard me with favor as he did before. It seems that Leahs father was not a man of his word. You pray for something over and over again. The Bible describes Rachel as "beautiful and lovely" or similar words, depending on the English translation. Exactly what was wrong with Leahs eyes? Leah writes on her blog at leahlivelyblog.com and just released her second Bible study, 30 Days in Acts A Journey: Igniting the Flame of the Early Church. 3 And his soul cleaved unto Dinah the daughter of Jacob, and he loved . Answer Leah was the daughter of Laban, the sister of Rachel, a wife of Jacob, and the mother of seven of Jacob's children. Her story illustrates that God often chooses to fulfill his plans and purposes by using those who are overlooked by others. God had a specific calling for Leah and her life, whether Jacob favored her. He will marry Rachel quickly after his current wedding week is completed, then work for another seven years. " The words more than are not in the original Hebrew text. Biblical passages are dismissive of Leah and favorable of Rachel, with Rachel said to be beautiful and of Leah, only that she had "weary", "tired" or "tender" eyes. God Pursues Us, even if No One Else Does, Woman of Noble Character Affiliate Program, way for a persons wealth and success in life can be found within their spiritual relationship with God, Leah Unveiled: Your Best Life Later, Discovering Identity Stronger than the Struggle, Rachel & Leah Bible Study Book: What Two Sisters Teach Us about Combating Comparison. She is the mother of Jacob's first son Reuben. And God listened to Leah, and she conceived and bore Jacob a fifth son. Laban tricked Jacob, however, substituting the heavily-veiled Leah on the dark wedding night. The King James Version that I grew up on has the even odder phrase, Leah was tender eyed. I sort of thought tender eyes were a good thing, not something that needs to be set in contrast to the beauty of ones sister. Leah was a loving and faithful wife. In Genesis 29, we meet Leah. Whatever the case, her eyes were not attractive, and are mentioned as a detriment to her looks. As an Amazon Associate, as well as an affiliate of other programs, this means if you purchase something using these links, I will receive a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you! This is evident as she named her fourth son, Judah, meaning praise. Leah is identified as having "tender eyes." Other translations describe her as weak, delicate, ordinary, or plain. Leah had not conceived for a while, and the plant, whose roots resemble the human body, was thought to be an aid to fertility. Clarke's Notes on the Bible. 19 Leah conceived again and bore Jacob a sixth son. This is evident as she named her fourth son, Judah, meaning praise. Enter your email address to receive email notifications when new Bible Q&A articles are posted. -- Freeman, J. M., & Chadwick, H. J. Ive puzzled over this phrase since I was a kid. She was married to the biblical patriarch Jacob, but he favored her sister instead. The Bible says in Genesis 29:17: "Leah was tender eyed; but Rachel was beautiful and well favoured." What does Scripture mean that Leah was "tender eyed?" It is a difficult verse at first glance. In these verses, Jacob requests for his body to be laid there also. She conceived again and bore a son and said, Because theLordhas heard that I am hated, he has given me this son also. And she called his name Simeon. Leah first appears in the Book of Genesis, in Genesis 29, which describes her as the daughter of Laban and the older sister of Rachel, and is said to not compare to Rachel's physical beauty and that she has tender eyes. Oh, Leah in the Bible! Leah's story in the Bible is told in Genesis chapters 29-31, 33-35, 46, and 49. Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel had a lovely figure and was beautiful. [18], Leah died some time before Jacob (according to Genesis 49:31). On a homiletical level, the classic Chassidic texts explain the sisters' rivalry as more than marital jealousy. Whoever asks my name, know that I'm Leah, Seeing that she was unable to conceive, Rachel offered her handmaid Bilhah to Jacob, and named and raised the two sons (Dan and Naphtali) that Bilhah gave birth to. [19] She is thought to be buried in the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron alongside Jacob. As a general rule of thumb, friend, whenever we struggle with a particular Bible word or phrase, we should scan the surrounding words and/or verses. https://www.learnreligions.com/leah-first-wife-of-jacob-701187 (accessed April 18, 2023). Sons and daughters could make her worthy. Leah continues to offer her heart to Jacob for many years. Mathews (NAC), however, lands where I did: The tenor of the passage, however, contrasts Leah and Rachel, first their order of birth and perhaps here their charm. After seven years, the wedding finally arrives, and the veiled bride eventually becomes Jacobs wife. Previous Post: The story of Leah in the Bible . Two Men Encounter the Bible from Very Different Circumstances. ' but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance.' (Gen 29:17, ESV) Imagine if you were the first half of this sentence, the bit that comes before the 'but'. God had compassion on her and allowed her to become pregnant. Are we not regarded by him as foreigners? Zavada, Jack. Leah bore more children, a highly honored achievement in ancient Israel. At that time, women had little control over their lives, and it seems her father was not a man to honor the love between Jacob and Rachel. Pursuing God keeps your heart tender as you face trials and endure grief. [b] Jacob is eager to marry Rachel and agrees to provide seven years' labor to her father if he can marry her. 1 God placed her first and blessed her abundantly. Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel was lovely in form, and beautiful. However, Leah's eyes were weak from crying, for she feared that she would have to be married to the wicked Esau. What is the significance of The Parable of the Good Samaritan? Her second son she named Simeon (the Lord has heard that I am hated). They felt what they experienced firsthand and were on receiving end themselves. Rachel was younger and had a beautiful face and figure. She lies with all of those ancestors and founders of faith in their final resting place. This cave also houses the graves of Abraham and Sarah, and Isaac and Rebekah.[20]. Finally comes Rachels son Joseph, to be protected from any danger that may threaten them during this meeting between EsauJacobs older brother whom Jacob had wronged before he left Canaan. You have to earn the right to your opinion, of course. I can do no other. Thus the Torah describes her eyes as "soft" from weeping. Scripture simply states the sad truth: "And Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah." An Unloved Wife. Jacob did not see, hear, or attach himself to Leah, but the Lord filled the void Jacob created Leahs life. [21] Dante Alighieri's Purgatorio includes a dream of Rachel and Leah, which inspired illustrations by Dante Gabriel Rossetti and others: " in my dream, I seemed to see a woman And second, Leah is "discarded" by her father, Laban (29:21-27). Even though her husband Jacob favored Rachel, Leah remained committed, enduring this unfairness through faith in God. Genesis 29:17 - Bible in Basic English - And Leah's eyes were clouded, but Rachel was fair in face and form. He also favored Rachel's sons, Joseph and Benjamin, over Leah's, and made no attempts to hide that from her or his other children. Forhe has sold us, and he has indeed devoured our money. Leah was born in the town of Paddan-Aram, the oldest daughter of Laban, sister of Rachel, and niece of Rebekah. So she named him Issachar. Zavada, Jack. Both sisters eventually bore Jacob many sons, and Jacobs twelve sons would become the twelve tribes of Israel. CSB Leah had tender eyes, but Rachel was shapely and beautiful. And God listened to Leah, and she conceived and bore Jacob a fifth son. Many still tend to notice or focus physical characteristics over heart qualities. We are enough because he lets us off the hook of striving and comparing. While I try to take care of myself, especially since having cancer, I know that God is not looking for what I am wearing on the outside but the adorning of who I am on the inside. There Abraham and his wife Sarah were buried, there Isaac and his wife Rebekah were buried, and there I buried Leah. He promised to honor the love between Jacob and Rachel, but he instead led them into disaster with a treacherous plan. But I am most likely to do these things on truly important points, those affecting doctrine. The Bible tells us: "Leah was tender eyed." (Gen.29:17).The NIV says: "Leah had weak eyes.".Different meanings can be derived from these words. Both sisters want them for their fertility-inducing properties and possibly as an aphrodisiac, but only one sister will be getting these precious mushrooms! 17 and the eyes of Leah [are] tender, and Rachel hath been fair of form and fair of appearance. One of those six was Judah, who is listed in Matthew 1 as part of the genealogy for King David, and finally Jesus Christ himself! Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.. Focus on the giver of your blessings instead of what is given. The Lord chooses and elevates those whose hearts are pure before him. Jacob is ultimately allowed to marry Rachel, which he does immediately after the festivities related to his wedding to Leah end, in exchange for another seven years' labor. We can point to the naming of her sons and how she hopes to gain favor through birthing them. [12] Laban offers to give Rachel to Jacob in marriage in return for another seven years of work (Genesis 29:27). It is a dull sermon or Bible lesson that quibbles and quotes its way through all the accredited opinions on every interpretive item in ones text. Neither does he reject us because we don't meet the world's standards for being attractive. But the God of my fatherhas been with me. Leah Unveiled: Your Best Life Later, Discovering Identity Stronger than the StrugglebyMichelle Kelso Kafe, Rachel & Leah Bible Study Book: What Two Sisters Teach Us about Combating ComparisonbyNicki Koziarz, ESVScripture quotations are from The ESV Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Being unmarried and unable to bear children held the stigma that you were being punished by God. Jealousy Take Our Eyes off Gods Blessings, 7. According to 1 Chronicles 5:1,[7] Jacob took the firstborn's birthright, which entitles a firstborn to a larger inheritance in Jewish law, from Reuben, his oldest son, to Joseph, who was his second-youngest son, and, in Genesis 33:2,[8] when he is confronted by Esau, puts Leah, along with Zilpah and Bilhah and all of their sons, in front of himself, Rachel, and Joseph, to be used as something of a buffer or a shield to protect himself in the event the confrontation turned violent. At the time, Leah only knew that her fourth son evoked praise to God and named him Judah. In the Bible, we first meet Leah in the Bible as a character in the Book of Genesis who has experienced great heartbreak. Through no fault of her own, she was not one of the "beautiful people" and it caused her a lifetime of heartache. She is the sister of Rachel and the cousin of Jacob. He continued to pursue her heart, even if no one else did. Bury me with my fathers in the cave in the field of Ephron the Hittite, the cave in the field of Machpelah, near Mamre in Canaan, which Abraham bought as a burial place from Ephron the Hittite, along with the field. Leah's life reminds us that God has given each of us everything we need, physically, to accomplish his purpose for our lives. Women in the Bible: Leah the unlovely. both young and fair; along a plain she gathered - Webster's Bible Leah's eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and attractive. The only thing weak eyes can mean, in context, is that Leah was less physically attractive than Rachel. When he meets the stunning shepherdess, Jacob is overcome with joy. Also see: Leahs tender heart made her the perfect candidate to fulfill Jacobs First Wife duties by bearing him many sons! The design of the inspired writer is to compare both the sisters together, that the balance may appear to be greatly in favour of Rachel. In the days of wheat harvest Reuben went and foundmandrakes in the field and brought them to his mother Leah. Today and in biblical times, contentment is not a prevalent quality. You know that I have served your father with all my strength,yet your father has cheated me and changed my wagesten times. We must rejoice even when things seem difficult or impossible because we have an incredible Savior who is faithful no matter what happens. 1 Read: Why Just Four Mothers? Young's Literal Translation for Genesis 29:17. The Bible is a treasure trove of stories and events from every spectrum. The whole reason I look at commentaries is that I need help, so I tend to turn to them when Im uncertain of the meaning of a given passage. Leah felt unloved. Furthermore, the Bible says Jesus was born of the tribe of Judah (Luke 3:33-34)Leah carried the Messianic bloodline and was Jesus ancestor! (NIV). Leah eventually has two more sons with Jacob, Issachar and Zebulon, and Jacob's only daughter, Dinah. New King James Version Leah's eyes were delicate, but Rachel was beautiful of form and appearance. Leah Is a Matriarch Unloved and unwanted, Leah was not only blessed by God with six sons and one daughter. He will work another seven years for Laban so that he can marry Rachel. Laban tricked Jacob and had replaced Leah with her older sister Leah. May you act worthily inEphrathah andbe renowned in Bethlehem, It is interesting to note that the name Leah in Hebrew means weary or cow while Rachel means ewe., Cows are a great symbol of fertility in Mesopotamia, partially because of the similarity between the words littu, cow, and alittu, birth giver.. Jacob arranges his family so that the maids and their children are placed first, then Leah with her kids. Because we have an incredible Savior who is faithful no matter what happens receive email notifications new... 3 and his wife Sarah were buried, there Isaac and his soul cleaved unto Dinah the daughter Laban! 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leah in the bible eyes