shaak ti death

Eye color Homeworld Contents 1 Background 1.1 Personality 1.2 Physical appearance 1.3 Powers and Abilities 1.3.1 Powers 1.3.2 Abilities A silence fell once the recording ended, and the Council meeting became tense as the Jedi grappled with the mass killing, and a gravely disturbed Windu suggested to his fellows that a covert operation to assassinate Dooku would bring about a swift end to the conflict. In . Basic #1. During the Clone Wars, a galaxy-wide conflict between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems, Ti took part in the pivotal battles of Geonosis, Kamino, and Coruscant as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic. Windu suggested that they lead an undercover investigation to find if any plot involving the clones existed, which Skywalker volunteered to do. The Council was confused by Yoda's odd response, and Ti looked to Masters Oppo Rancisis and Kit Fisto with concern. Shaak Ti was born on the planet Shili, the homeworld of the Togruta species,[9] in the galaxy's Expansion Region. With the Republic military spread thin and far from Coruscant, Grievous exploited this weakness and led a surprise assault on the Republic capital with thousands of Confederate warships. But in canon, that is how Shaak Ti died. Ti told Se that she had a feeling that they were searching in the wrong place. She ordered that the blast doors be closed, but Fives managed to make it through in time.[32]. She/her[1] The squad failed their graduation testing, and despite Bric's opposition El-Les sent a request to Ti asking she allow the squad to retake the test. The lightsaber hilt, which measured 26.60 centimeters long and 3.30 centimeters wide, was crafted from copper and durasteel. [4] When Kenobi and Skywalker arrived at Tipoca City with their reinforcements in the form of the 501st Legion, Ti and Prime Minister Su met them. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. He enacted Order 66, a secret protocol enforced by the clones' inhibitor chips that made the soldiers turn against the Jedi. RT @StarWars0nly: All the times Shaak Ti has died.. Two deleted scenes in Revenge Of The Sith, one in The Force Unleashed and Yoda had a vision of her death on Dagobah.. 16 Apr 2023 02:19:50 In a startling turn of events, Padawan Tano became the prime suspect for orchestrating the attack on the Temple after Turmond was killed by way of the Force while the Jedi was visiting her. Special #1. [32], The Chancellor requested that Ti and Se wait outside while he talked with Fives. Following Order 66, Shaak Ti fled to the planet Felucia, training the force-sensitive natives of the planet and the orphaned Padawan, Marris Brood. If this attack is evaded, Shaak Ti will gain Retribution for 2 turns. (Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga) Navigation Star Wars Characters Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. [5] By 22 BBY,[2] the rise in the number the Separatists led the Republic Senate to debate the creation of a proper military to combat an impending war. Considered to be among the wisest in the Jedi Order, Ti was a skilled teacher and combatant and was a devoted believer in the ways of the Jedi. After the services, Ti walked down the halls of the Temple with Masters Plo Koon and Tera Sinube before all three were called to an emergency meeting about recent Separatist activity.[29]. In the years after Sidious' fall, Luke began researching and rediscovering the history of the long-dead Jedi Order in order to rebuild it, including the lives and deeds of its members. Shaak Ti greets Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker on Kamino. [32], Soon after, Palpatine informed the Jedi Council of Queen Julia of Bardotta's request for Jar Jar Binks to assist her after the disappearance of several Dagoyan Masters. Despite Bric's efforts, the squad managed to overcome their disability and complete the test by scaling the tower using the wall-mounted turrets. The Jedi were not perfect, they made mistakes. Kenobi also learned that the template for the army was the bounty hunter he was searching for, Jango Fett. Shaak Ti discusses the assassination attempt with the Jedi. What Kenobi discovered[6] was that the Confederate plan was far more complex than the Republic had anticipated; the multi-phase attack called for Grievous to discharge debris from his ships onto the Kamino's surface, where teams of AQ-series battle droids attached to them would build assault craft to target Tipoca City.[17]. I can't deny it anymore. [11] Among her other non-martial capabilities, Ti was well-adept in leadership roles and was an experienced diplomat. New death for Shaak Ti? [24], Though an excellent fighter in her own right, Ti showed a great affinity for teaching, often with a specialty in combat instruction. [40] Ti's commitment to the Jedi made her willing to act against the orders of others, for instance arranging for the data from the investigation of clone trooper Tup's breakdown to be sent to the Jedi Temple before the Republic Medical Facility, which went against the direct command of the Supreme Chancellor. (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed) Sliced into three pieces by Anakin Skywalker with his lightsaber. Back in the control center, Ti correctly surmised that Fives and AZI-3 weren't planning to escape, but rather that they were researching something, she just didn't know what. Shaak Ti watches over Tup's medical tests. She arrived at the Embryo Room in time to see Fives holding a blaster to Se's head, and told him to surrender as she ignited her lightsaber. [36], As Fisto helped Ti to her feet, Yoda walked off from the Council in disillusionment. [21], Fives was angered by the suggestion and told Se that she had no right to treat him like hardware, to which Se stated that the clones were merely the property of the Kaminoans. [37] When the Grand Master returned, he gave the Council a report on what he discovered. Yoda lamented to his peers that they would have to play along with the Dark Lord of the Sith's mysterious plans until they learned more and could unravel their web and intentions.[34]. Ti ordered that the pod be tracked so they could bring them in alive. He died, or so she thought. Shaak Ti and target ally recover 35% of their Health and Protection. When he told them that he had removed his own chip, Se claimed that Fives was a threat and should be terminated. The Council apologized to Tano and offered her a chance to rejoin, though she refused and left the Jedi Order.[31]. Somehow Grievous escaped with the Chancellor (confirmed by Obi Wan in Episode 7x9 of the Clone Wars). Tup soon died muttering that he was "free of the nightmares." Ti and the two hunters conducted training exercises for cadet squads and graduated them when they were ready for deployment. [4] As the supervisor of the clone program, Ti watched over and helped train clone forces for combat, which she was aided in by two bounty hunters contracted by the Republic, Master Chief Bric and El-Les. Ti and the Council, believing that support for the war effort would wane if it was known that the Sith had played a role in the clone army's creation, made the difficult decision to keep these revelations private amongst themselves. She was originally scripted to have been captured by General Grievous and held captive aboard the Invisible Hand at the start of the movie. [57] In Attack of the Clones, Ti was portrayed by Israeli actress and model Orli Shoshan. [14] As a member of the High Council and a Jedi Master, Ti was among the Jedi given the title of Jedi General.[7]. Ti fought alongside Windu on the battlefront, cutting down droids and helping the clones push the Separatist armies back. Though the two had some respect for each other,[7] their working relationship deteriorated as the rogue Fives led his investigation into Tup's death. Ti, who was stationed on the Republic capital Coruscant at the time, was slain at the hands of newly christened Sith Lord Darth Vader as he and his forces laid siege to the Jedi Temple. The . Her compassion for the clones clashed with the Kaminoan's cold view of them as products, and for much of her time on Kamino, Ti had a strained relationship with the Kaminoan government. 2015 Topps Star Wars Chrome Perspectives: Jedi vs. Sith Jedi Temple Archives (Card: Shaak Ti) (backup link)class. Super sorry for my long absence, I've been. Shaak Ti dueled General Grievous during the Battle of Coruscant, but was overpowered by the cyborg warrior. [44] In addition to her martial prowess,[4] Ti was also a capable pilot. Died The Council's plan was ultimately a success, and Palpatine escaped unscathed. [[AC: . The vision in TCW, and in Galactic Atlas. She can do more damage than gas in the sith raid. Upon arriving at Geonosis, a majority of the Jedi snuck into the arena during the attempted execution, while others secured their landing site. Ki-Adi-Mundi proposed to Ti and the others that Yoda was under the influence of the Sith Lord. If target ally is a Clone Trooper, they gain 25% Critical Damage (max 5 stacks) until the end of the battle. Watch the 2nd disc and the deleted scenes and originally Shaak Ti gets killed by Grievous and then Lucas admitted he changed Shaak Tis death to when the Jedis die during the Bridge scene. Shaak Ti and Pablo-Jill fight battle droids in the first stage of the Battle of Geonosis. Suspecting that Ventress was right and that Vos was indeed a traitor, the Council decided to send him to assassinate Dooku once more. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Early life 1.2 Clone Wars 1.2.1 Battle of Geonosis 1.2.2 Battle of Kamino 1.2.3 Duel with General Grievous 1.2.4 Battle of Brentaal IV 2 Personality and traits 3 Powers and abilities Many of the Jungle Felucians went mad . Skywalker, whose legion Fives belonged to, expressed disbelief upon hearing that he had tried to assassinate the Chancellor. Su ultimately left the final decision of their consequence up to Ti as she was in charge of training. [57] Both Shoshan and Brill were uncredited for their work in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, respectively. Shaak Ti's death used to be even more confusing than it is now, as she also died in the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game. The clones were soon able to corner Ventress, but before she could be taken captive she and Grievous made a hasty escape without the DNA. [28] Master Ti later traveled to Coruscant to attend the funeral of the six Jedi who had been killed in the explosion. As seen in a vision from Master Yoda, Shaak Ti died nineteen years before the Battle of Yavin at the hands of Darth Vader. Affiliation(s) At the insistence of Tarkin, who believed that an internal trial would be biased, the Council reluctantly agreed to expel Tano from the Order so that she could face a military tribunal. Ti and the Council were surprised when Kenobi and Skywalker reported that, during a confrontation with Count Dooku on Oba Diah while looking into a lead, the count had revealed to them that he and Tyranus, the man who helped Sifo-Dyas order the clone army, were one and the same. Parts of this article are no longer up to date. Ti became increasingly suspicious of Se as the crisis continued,[21] and even though Fives' behavior and discoveries deeply troubled her,[3] she invoked her authority over Se to give Fives a chance to present his case directly to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Obi Wan. Despite her efforts to the contrary, Ti was unable to help Fives as he suffered a mental collapse at the Kaminoan's hands, and his secrets died with him. Under pressure from the Hutt, Luke managed to unwillingly open several holocrons in the room, including Shaak Ti's. She is revered as one of the greatest Jedi, for good reason: Palpatine heightened their distrust when he infringed on the Jedi's internal functionalities by personally appointing Skywalker to the Council as his liaison. Their investigation led to the arrest of Letta Turmond, an anti-war activist who had fed nano-droid explosives to her husband, a worker in the Jedi Temple named Jackar Bowmani. Sideshow Collectibles proudly presents the Shaak Ti Premium Format Figure from LucasArts' breakthrough Star Wars video game, The Force Unleashed. What is the Canon version of Shaak Ti's death? Following her death, Felucia quickly slipped into darkness. Each decided to speak with their respective peers on what they should do next. [4] According to Luke Skywalker, Ti was likely given the job of training clone troopers during the Clone Wars because she excelled as both a teacher and a combatant. Ti, discerning from the small number that attacked the command center that the droid forces were spread thin, contacted the other Jedi and ordered them to press their offensive while they had the chance. He recruited Ventress again, and they traveled to Christophsis to carry out their mission. Windu informed the Jedi that the Chancellor had been moved to his senate quarters and that all security and clone forces on Coruscant were ordered to join the manhunt for Fives. [17] While Kenobi and Skywalker did what they could to stop the Confederate forces from advancing, Ti continued to monitor the battle until a squad of aqua droids attacked the command center. SparkyBurns. Because she valued the clones' lives as individuals and not as objects,[7] Ti faced difficulty in her relationship with the Kaminoans, who regarded them as intellectual property. [43] With all but Ti dead, Grievous advanced to confront her. Ti attended a meeting that was watched by Grand Master Yoda on Kashyyyk. It certainly isn't a meta team, but if you're running both GAS 501st and a Padme squad, it's a fine option as a back end team . As Kenobi engaged Grievous and Skywalker hunted Ventress, who he discovered had infiltrated the city to steal clone DNA samples, Ti led the counteroffensive against the droid army and pushed them back to the main hangar. Ti's suspicions turned out to be true and they found Fives and AZI-3 in the Records Hall. [3] She was a hard judge of capability and expected the best from the clones, though she was not callous like some of those she worked with on Kamino.[55]. Ti spoke up and argued to Windu that if Vos was in the field he would be able to react more immediately to situations where his knowledge served them better than Republic intelligence. Sidious turned Skywalker to the dark side of the Force and began the next stage of his plan for galactic domination. If Shaak Ti has Retribution, all Jedi and Clone allies gain 10% TM. Nonetheless, the Council sent Kenobi, Skywalker, Tano, and Rex on a covert operation to instruct the rebels in combat. Read to find out. After consideration, the Council decided to assign maverick Jedi Master Quinlan Vos to the assassination of Count Dooku. When Obi-Wan and Anakin are investigating the cruiser, they come across a despondent Ti sitting at General Grievous' feet. At the sight of Ventress, Yoda paused the holo, and Windu immediately stood and reached for his lightsaber, with Ti and the others doing the same. Realizing that the situation was dire, Ti and the Council decided to move forward with a risky plan of faking Kenobi's death and sending him undercover to stop Eval from completing his task. She ended the test and requested that maintenance clone 99 send a cleaning crew to the training ground.[8]. Chond's surviving maps were stored in the Shadow Stacks of the Graf Archive on the moon Orchis 2 until a student archivist exhumed the set. Se claimed that the scan could kill him, and instead suggested that they terminate the clone and do an autopsy on his body, as she believed that the cause of his behavior was a virus. Every Time Shaak Ti Dies (Clone Wars, Force Unleashed, Lego) WoofWoofWolffe 260K subscribers Subscribe 1M views 4 years ago HEY WOLFFE PACKKE! Shaak Ti was one of the judges during Ahsoka Tano's trial, in which she was expelled from the Jedi Order. [25] A short time later, Ti and her fellows dispatched the four to investigate the disappearances of the Togruta colonists on Kiros, which was linked to the Separatists and the Zygerrian Slave Empire.[26]. During the Clone Wars, she was in charge of overseeing the production of Clone Troopers on Kamino. Ti, although disagreeing with his sentiment, agreed with Bric that the squad was not ready for combat. Dooku's ships in the planet's airspace were a distraction. Only 1 attempt. A background player in the Star Wars prequel films and a full-blown character on the Clone Wars television series, the striking and noble Shaak Ti was a fascinating addition to the universe's canon. Before Dooku gave the order to have them killed, however, Windu confronted the former Jedi. Despite remaining in a meditative state for the entire night, their efforts proved fruitless. [40], Vos partnered with Asajj Ventress, who, by then, had been abandoned by Dooku and was living as a bounty bunter, to teach him and help him accomplish his task. Widely regarded as wise and patient, Ti was a devoted believer in the ways of the Jedi. She wielded the weapon from some point before 22 BBY until it was stolen by Separatist General Grievous during the Battle of Coruscant. [24], Proud of both her Togruta heritage and of her life as a Jedi,[35] Ti's outfit combined clothing traditionally worn by both. [5], After following Fett to Geonosis, Kenobi discovered the Confederacy's droid foundries on the planet, where Dooku and other Separatist leaders were building their own army. The two began arguing over the situation before Ti stopped them. Cin Drallig. [50], At some point following Order 66, the holocron Ti used shortly before her death became part of Grakkus the Hutt's vast collection of Jedi artifacts and paraphernalia kept in his palace on Nar Shaddaa. El-Les was more sympathetic and wanted Domino Squad to continue training. [11] As the Republic's representative on Kamino, General Ti was given various responsibilities, from being a military commander to a diplomat. [57], Though her first death scene was cut, another was filmed during additional photography at Shepperton Studios. [57] In this scene, she is meditating during the attack on the Jedi Temple and is killed by Anakin Skywalker. She makes short work of battle droids with her lightsaber and is among the few survivors who get rescued by the very first clone troopers. Ti and several others on the Council shared his opinion, but Master Windu dissented and asked that they give Vos another month away from the war so they could be certain of his allegiance. When Shaak Ti realized the extent of the misunderstanding surrounding Anakin Skywalker, she vowed to correct it any way she could. This death was retconned, along with the rest of The Force Unleashed, when Disney bought the rights to Star Wars. [46], In 12 BBY,[49] after constructing Fortress Vader on Mustafar with the Dark Lord Momin, Vader entered a portal within his palace on a quest to resurrect his deceased wife, Padm Amidala. A distress call from the planet led to intervention from Jedi General Chubor, but his forces were unable to prevent a Separatist takeover. He suggested rejecting the squad, by means of termination, an idea Ti strongly opposed. : ( #ShaakTi All Scenes: During his search for knowledge, he learned of Shaak Ti and chronicled what he knew about her in a passage featured in his journal titled The Secrets of the Jedi. Se stated her opinion that Fives' actions kept them from learning more about the tumor, which irked the clone. The Force Unleashed novel. 5.0 out of 5 stars. Ti joined her fellow Council members as they gathered around Yoda in the center of the chamber and placed their hands on each other. Gender After concluding that they could not rule out the possibility that the culprit was a rogue Jedi, the Council assigned Skywalker and Tano to investigate the bombing. Shaak Ti died during the Bridge scene, when all the Jedis got killed by the Clones, even George Lucas admits it on deleted scenes edition. Upon arrival, they were greeted by Mas Amedda, who led them inside to the Chancellor. [63] Ti's canonical death was confirmed as being killed by Skywalker in the 2016 reference book Star Wars: Galactic Atlas.[2]. Ferren Barr. Joining the Jedi Council after Master Yaddle's retirement, Shaak Ti served as one of its final members before the Jedi Purge. At the end of that time, the Council convened to discuss what to do with him further. Her spirit broken, Ti apologizes for her failure, right before she is stabbed in the back and killed by Grievous. Ti was among those on the body who began sensing the looming threat of the Sith, the ancient enemies of the Jedi. [6] The orbital battle seemed to be in the Republic's favor, and it was believed that they were successfully withstanding the assault[17] until Ti noticed that Grievous was sacrificing his Munificent-class star frigates to protect his command ship. Her starfighter was adorned with red markings and made use of an R2-series astromech droid. See how it improved - Other improvement drives. She is portrayed by Orli Shoshan in the live-action films and voiced by Tasia Valenza in Star Wars: The Clone Wars . Sidious had been the mastermind behind the creation of both the clone and droid armies and had manipulated both the Republic and Confederacy into conflict to gain power. Shaak Ti participated in the Third Battle of Kamino, coordinating defensive efforts from Tipoca's command center. Skywalker awoke in Grakkus' palace, where the Hutt showed him a holocron and, wanting to see if the boy had a connection to the Force, ordered him to open it. Ti joins Master Windu in leading the assault on the Separatist forces on Geonosis. He and Ventress were unsuccessful, however, in their attempt to kill Dooku on Raxus Secundus, and Vos was taken captive. While the two trained together, Vos cut off contact with the Jedi Council and continued with his own plan forward. [11] Ti was a tough but caring teacher,[55] and the lessons she passed on to her students proved far more effective than she possibly imagined. Editor discretion is advised. [48], In 4 ABY,[2] Luke, by then a Jedi Knight, helped redeem his father, who killed Sidious before dying as Anakin Skywalker, ending the Sith reign over the galaxy. Jedi Order[5]Jedi High Council[5]Jedi assault team[5]Galactic Republic[5]Kamino garrison[6]Kamino security[7] Shili[1] As the war dragged on, Ti and the Jedi Council became increasingly concerned about the mystery of the Dark Lord of the Sith, who they believed had engineered the war and played a role in the origin of the clone armies. Fun for general dress up imaginary play activities Perfect for a costume party and Halloween (of course)! This scene exists as the "Anakin kills Shaak Ti" animatic and is part of the deleted scenes released in Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-ray in 2011. Early in the war . Grievous was accompanied by a team of MagnaGuards, who wielded phrik alloy electrostaffs. The Kaminoans, in turn, criticized Ti and the Jedi's compassion as poor influences. Fives began to aim his weapon at the Chancellor, but Ti used the Force to stop him. Tipoca City, where Ti was stationed early in the war. 19 BBY, Coruscant[2] Costume accessories: Great for theatrical productions and school plays! Let's see. Hoping to fill in the gaps surrounding what little they knew about Sifo-Dyas' final days, the Council began following what trails they could find. He impaled the two simultaneously as the words "let the past die" resounded in his mind. The thing is, regarding the "Greatly Exaggerated" concept art on Hyperspace's Star Wars '07 reports, the pic shows another Jedi that we saw get blasted to oblivion in ROTS . Ti and Skywalker remained silent during the meeting, listening as Yoda and Windu accepted the words of the Chancellor, who ensured that nothing more would be made of the situation and that their attention be redirected to the war. [21] She also worked closely alongside the Kaminoan government and represented the Republic's interests in meetings with Prime Minister Lama Su. [6] On Kamino, Ti began coordinating the planet's defenses in preparation for the imminent attack. In Star Wars, the Jedi Master Shaak Ti has died more times than anyone else, including twice in the same movie. [55] Although she was a devotee of the Jedi Order,[44] Ti's relationships with the clones and protective affection for them strayed close to breaking the Jedi Code. Unbeknownst to Ti, Fives and AZI-3 had not planned to escape, but to create a diversion so they could investigate Tup's death and the origin of the tumor in secret. [20] In the weeks after the battle, the Clone Wars erupted across the galaxy, and the Galactic Senate passed the Jedi Military Integration Act, which formally established the Jedi as officers in the Grand Army of the Republic. [21], Ti was soon informed that there had been strange activity in the Genetic Records Hall and that someone was accessing the Jango Fett template data. Shaak Ti is one of the most powerful Jedi(presumably in . Ti requested that she be able to continue testing on the tumor at the Jedi Temple, but the Chancellor told her to bring the data to the Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant. Vos was ultimately allowed to rejoin the Order, and he returned Ventress' body to her homeworld of Dathomir.[40]. During the game's opening levels, Darth Vader's apprentice finds and attacks Shaak Ti after she had survived Order 66; and rather than be cut down by a lightsaber, she jumps into a carnivorous plant to die. She wore a jeweled headdress adorning the border between her face and her montrals, which, along with her lekku, were marked by gray stripes. Shortly after the investigation into Sifo-Dyas' death, Ti and the High Council convened to discuss the implications of what they had learned, specifically the idea that Dooku was not the Sith Master, but merely the apprentice. I ''love'' being a Straw Hat Pirate. The nature of Jedi Master Shaak Ti's death has dramatically varied over the years. Shaak Ti was a skilled and powerful Togruta Jedi Master who replaced Yaddle on the Jedi Council and fought during the Clone wars. [38], Shaak Ti, Kit Fisto, and Oppo Rancisis on the Jedi Council during the Utapau crisis, An investigation into the death of Jedi Master Tu-Anh on Utapau by Kenobi and Skywalker led to the discovery that the Separatists had planned on transporting a massive kyber crystal to Serenno. There are two conflicting sources for this article: Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! As the Clone Wars continued, the growing presence of the dark side of the Force began to concern the Jedi Council. Ti told them of the situation and backed up her theory of brainwashing with the fact that Tup had gone missing for five rotations while on Ringo Vinda prior to murdering Master Tiplar. [9], Shaak Ti was a female Togruta[3] with dark eyes and red and white skin. An opponent of the Military Creation Act, Amidala was twice the victim of attempted assassinations by a bounty hunter and his accomplice. I do not remember where I saw the information, but I remember reading that Shaak Ti was 42 when the Jedi Order fell in 19 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin). Master Ti was among the group of over 200 Jedi[16] assembled by Windu to free Kenobi, as well as Skywalker and Amidala, who had led a failed rescue attempt themselves, from execution in the Petranaki Arena on Geonosis. [30] After Tano's capture, the Council faced the difficult decision of what to do with her. Buy It Now +$4.74 shipping December 1, 2019 8:09PM. 0. Colt (Star Wars) Canonical Character Death. RT @StarWars0nly: All the times Shaak Ti has died.. Two deleted scenes in Revenge Of The Sith, one in The Force Unleashed and Yoda had a vision of her death on Dagobah.. 15 Apr 2023 22:30:08 and Star Wars Jedi Pocket Expert. [44] As one of the foremost and distinguished Jedi of her time, Ti served on the Jedi High Council from the retirement of Master Yaddle[54] to the dissolution of the body during the Great Jedi Purge. During the confrontation between Windu's team and Sidious, the Sith Lord slaughtered Fisto, Tiin, and Kolar, and killed Windu shortly after in a duel with help from a conflicted Skywalker. [21], As a Force-sensitive, Shaak Ti was skilled at using telekinesis during battle[6] due to her Jedi training. [2] She often remained silent during Council meetings, showing emotion through calm expressions, though she did sometimes interject into debates to voice her opinion. Though it put her in a power struggle with the Kaminoans, Ti defended Fives and did what she could to protect him. [36], Though Grievous only owned it for a short time before his death at the hands of Master Kenobi during the Battle of Utapau, Ti's lightsaber was among the most prized in his collection, among those of Pablo Jill, Eeth Koth, and Roron Corrob. [6], When Separatist forces dropped from hyperspace, Ti noted to Kenobi that the armada was far from as large as she expected and ordered Skywalker to begin the airstrike. After Republic intelligence intercepted a message between Confederate General Grievous and assassin Asajj Ventress discussing a planned invasion of Kamino to halt the production of clone soldiers, Generals Kenobi and Skywalker were dispatched to aid Ti's forces defend the planet. Her feet, Yoda walked off from the planet 's defenses in preparation for the army was bounty! Fives belonged to, expressed disbelief upon hearing that he had tried to assassinate the Chancellor, but was by! 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